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erinata edited this page Mar 18, 2012 · 64 revisions

Notice that this documentation is written for Fingertext 0.6.0(Beta) which has NOT been released yet. If you are using any version before 0.6.0, the content in this documentation may or may NOT apply. Please refer to README.rdoc in the repository for a temporary user guideline for the current version 0.5.X

FingerText - A tab triggered snippet plugin for notepad++

Features Highlight

  • Tab triggered text substitution or snippet function
  • Multiple hotspots support
  • Simultaneous editing of multiple identical hotspots
  • "Surrounded With" functionality
  • Language specific or file extension specific snippets supported
  • Fill in hotspot content using dropdown option list
  • Run system commands or notepad++ specific commands within a snippet

Getting Started

Basic Usage

Beyond the Basics

Advanced Topics