- Project Board: https://trello.com/b/cZngM6Ol/project-3
- Deployed App: https://evening-retreat-48118.herokuapp.com/
A prototype of a fashion site geared towards real women and real situations.
This is the home page. After clicking the link to the deployed app, this is the first thing a user will see. This page has links to the rest of the shop locations, as well as the About and Contact pages.
Lower on the landing page will be the different categories through which a user can filter the available products. There will be two types of categories: product type and style.
The products will each feature an image and price.
Once a user clicks on a product, they will be taken to an individual product page which will feature a brief description of the product, the price, list the available colors and sizes, and a review system.
Lastly, this will be the layout of the contact page.