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* UvA_Trilearn 2003 - University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands  *
* Base code version of the RoboCup-2003 World Champion          *
* Created by:           Jelle Kok                               *
* Research Coordinator: Nikos Vlassis                           * 
* Team Coordinator:     Frans Groen                             *
* Copyright 2000-2001.  Jelle Kok and Remco de Boer             *
* Copyright 2001-2002.  Jelle Kok                               *
* Copyright 2002-2003.  Jelle Kok                               *
* All rights reserved.                                          *

Last update: 30-10-2003

General information

 This directory contains parts of the source files and configuration
 files for the UvA Trilearn 2003 soccer simulation team which won the
 RoboCup-2003 Simulation League in Padova.  The released code contains
 our low-level and intermediate level implementation
 (agent-environment synchronization method, world model, player
 skills), but not our high-level decision procedure. Instead, we have
 included a simple high-level action selection strategy which is the
 same as that of the Simple Portugal team.  The fastest player to the
 ball intercepts the ball and shoots it to a random corner in the
 opponent goal regardless of his position on the field. The remaining
 players move to a strategic position which is determined by their
 home position in the formation and by the position of the ball.

 Furthermore, we deliberately have removed some specific aspects of
 our (low-level) code, i.e. the learned dribble skill and the opponent
 modeling in the intercept skill. Our intention was to make sure this
 base code would be a good starting point, but not too good, since
 that would be unfair for teams that have been working on their basic
 for the past years and would be immediately surpassed by new teams
 that use our code as a basis.


 Autoconf and automake are used in order to create this package. A


 should compile the sources. The sources have been developed under
 Linux, which is the recommened platform. However, Alexey Vasilyev
 (Riga Technical University, Latvia) has provided a windows port for
 the free Borland C++ compiler. See the ./windows directory for the
 necessary Makefile and Borland configuration files.

 After the binaries are compiled, they can be started using the
 start-up script `' (see contents of this file for details).

 To extend the high-level strategy of this team, look at the method
 `deMeer5()' in the file `PlayerTeams.cpp' which defines the
 high-level strategy of the team. The other most important areas for
 improvement are:

 - the goalie behavior 
 - intercept method that takes opponents into account 
 - dribble skill 


 The source code has been extensively documented using Doxygen
 (  The created html documentation can be downloaded
 from our website or generated using the command

        make doc 

 in the directory of this README. The html files will be placed in the
 directory ./doc/html/. Here it is assumed that the program `dot' has
 been installed to create collaboration diagrams. If this is not the
 case then set the variable `HAVE_DOT' in the file `doc/doxygen.cfg'
 to `NO'.

 The basic code has changed with respect to the previous base release
 in 2002 (and not only with the file names ending in .cpp now). Except
 for the improvements in the low-level methods (e.g., intercept, kick)
 and the creation of the world model, the code also supports the
 functionality of the 9.xx protocol (tackle, attentionto, etc) and the
 synchronization mode.

 We tried to keep the code backward-compatibility with the previous
 release, but we won't make any promises. Please report when you
 encounter any major problems.


 The team has initially been built from scratch in 2001 for the
 master's graduation project of Jelle Kok and Remco de Boer at the
 University of Amsterdam. Thereafter, Jelle Kok continued the work
 under supervision of Nikos Vlassis.

 Although we have not copied any code from other teams, we have looked
 at some of their methods and used this knowledge for our own
 implementation. For this we would like to thank the following teams:

- FC Portugal 2000: for their team formation and Simple Portugal team
- CMUnited-99     : for their interception and message parsing methods
- Cyberoos 2000   : for the description of their synchronization method
- Essex Wizards   : for the description of their multi-threaded architecture

More information
 More information can be found at the official UvA Trilearn website:
 or contact:
   Jelle Kok     (

Global overview of classes

 A global overview of the various classes is as shown below. Note that
 the SenseHandler, ActHandler and other classes form three different
 threads that work independently.

                    Object          Player  -- Formations
                      |               |
                      |               |
                      |               |
                  WorldModel --- BasicPlayer
                      |               | 
                      |               |
                      |               |
                SenseHandler      ActHandler
                      |               | 
                      |               |
 Utility classes which are used by the classes listed above but which
 are not shown in the diagram are the following:

 - PlayerSettings
 - Logger, Timing (in Logger.C)
 - ServerSettings
 - SoccerTypes, SoccerCommand, Time (in SoccerTypes.C)
 - Geometry, Line, Circle, Rectangle, VecPosition (all in Geometry.C)
 - Parse

Description of classes

 A description of each of the classes is given below.


 This class makes a connection with a socket and contains methods for
 sending messages to and receiving messages from this socket.


 This class handles the processing of messages that the agent receives
 from the server. It parses these messages and sends the extracted
 information to the WorldModel. It also sets a signal to indicate when
 an action should be sent to the server; this signal is handled by the


 The ActHandler class deals with actuator output. It stores actions
 into two different queues:

 - m_queueOneCycleCommand:  contains commands which can only be executed once
                            during a cycle (kick, dash, etc.); the
                            command which has been received last is
                            sent to the server.
 - m_queueMultipleCommands: contains commands which can be executed 
                            concurrently with commands in
                            m_queueOneCycleCommand (turn_neck, say,
                            etc.); all commands in this list are sent
                            to the server.

 When the ActHandler receives a signal, it converts the soccer
 commands into string messages and sends them to the server.


 This class contains the current representation of the world as
 observed by the agent. This representation includes information about
 all the objects on the field such as the positions and velocities of
 all the players and the ball.  Information concerning the current
 play mode is also stored, as well as the time and the
 score. Furthermore, the WorldModel contains various types of methods
 that deal with the world state information in different ways:

 - Retrieval methods:  for directly retrieving information about objects in the
                       world model; these methods are defined in the file
                       `WorldModel.C'; this file also contains methods for
                       iterating over a specific set of objects; these methods
                       make it possible to compare information about different
                       objects in the same set (e.g. OBJECT_SET_OPPONENTS).
 - Update methods:     for updating the world model based on new sensory
                       information received from the SenseHandler;
                       these methods
                       are defined in the file `WorldModelUpdate.C'.
 - Prediction methods: for predicting future states of the world based on past
                       perceptions and for predicting the effect of
                       actions performed by the agent; these methods
                       are defined in the file `WorldModelPredict.C'.
 - High-level methods: for deriving high-level conclusions from basic
                       information about the state of the world (e.g.
                       determining the fastest teammate to the ball); these
                       methods are defined in the file `WorldModelHighLevel.C'.


 This class contains information about all the objects in the
 simulation. Its implementation is spread over six separate classes
 which together form an object type hierarchy. These classes are the

 - Object:        abstract superclass that contains estimates (and associated
                  confidence values) for the global positions of all
                  the objects and that defines methods for retrieving
                  an updating this information.
 - FixedObject:   subclass of the Object class that contains information
                  about the stationary objects on the field (flags,
                  lines and goals); it adds no additional attributes
                  to those inherited from the Object superclass.
 - DynamicObject: subclass of the Object class that contains information about
                  mobile objects; it adds velocity information to the
                  general information provided by the Object class.
 - BallObject:    subclass of the DynamicObject class which contains 
                  information about the ball; it adds no additional
                  attributes to those inherited from the DynamicObject

 - PlayerObject:  subclass of the DynamicObject class which contains 
                  information about a specific player on the field
                  (either a teammate or an opponent); it adds
                  attributes denoting the global neck angle and global
                  body angle of the player to the information provided
                  by the DynamicObject class and it holds a boolean
                  attribute which indicates whether the player is a
                  goalkeeper or not; the agent itself is not a member
                  of this class.
 - AgentObject:   subclass of the PlayerObject class which contains information
                  about the agent himself. It adds attributes denoting the
		  stamina, view angle and view quality of the agent to the
		  information provided by the PlayerObject class.


 This class defines the various skills than an agent can perform. The
 way in which these skills are executed depends on the current state
 of the world model.


 This class contains parameters which are used in the BasicPlayer
 class. An example of such a parameter is `dPassEndSpeed' which
 denotes the desired end speed of the ball when it is passed to a
 teammate. By changing the values of the parameters in this class it
 is possible to adapt the behavior of the BasicPlayer.


 This class is a subclass of the BasicPlayer class that contains
 methods for reasoning about the best possible action in a given
 situation. Action selection is based on the most recent information
 about the state of the world as obtained from the WorldModel and on
 the role of the agent in the current team formation.  For making the
 final decision on whether a particular type of action should be
 performed, the agent uses the parameter values which are specified in
 the PlayerSettings class.


 This class contains information about possible team formations as
 well as a method for determining a strategic position on the
 field. Formations are read from a configuration file
 (formations.conf) and are based on those used by the Simple Portugal
 team. The implementation is spread over three separate classes:

 - PlayerTypeInfo:    contains information about a player type in a formation.
 - FormationTypeInfo: contains information about one specific formation.
 - Formations:        contains information about all the possible team 
                      formations and stores the currently used
                      formation. This class is accessible from the
                      WorldModel class.


 This class is a superclass for all classes that contain settings from
 the PlayerSettings and ServerSettings classes. Using this class it is
 possible to link variables to (text) names. When these names with
 their associated values are read from (or written to) a file, the
 corresponding variables can be easily set.


 This class is used by all the other classes to log various kinds of
 information for debugging purposes. It allows the programmer to
 specify the level of abstraction (`loglevel') from which he desires
 debugging information and contains an output stream for writing
 (usually a file). All log information that is sent to the Logger has
 a number which is compared to the specified log level (or range of
 log levels) to determine whether the information should be printed or
 discarded. It is also possible to log the information together with a
 time stamp. This time stamp corresponds to the time that has elapsed
 since a timer was last restarted. This timer is represented by an
 object from the Timing class which is also defined in the file


 This class contains a timer and methods for restarting this timer and
 for determining the amount of wall clock time that has elapsed since
 the timer was started. It is mainly used for the timing of incoming
 messages from the server and for debugging purposes.

 This class contains several static methods for parsing string
 messages. These methods can skip characters up to a specified point
 and convert parts of a string to integer or double values. They are
 mainly used by the SenseHandler that handles the processing of
 messages from the soccer server.


 This class contains all the server parameters which are used for the
 current version of the soccer server (9.x). Examples are the maximum
 speed of a player (player_speed_max) and the stamina increase per
 cycle (stamina_inc_max). When the agent is initialized, the server
 sends him a message containing the values for these parameters. This
 message is then parsed using the methods from the Parse class and the
 resulting values are stored in ServerSettings.


 This class contains enumerations for different soccer types that are
 used in the simulation. It creates an abstraction for using
 soccer-related concepts (playmodes, referee messages, etc.) in a
 clean and consistent way throughout the code. Furthermore, this class
 contains methods for converting parts of string messages received
 from the server to the corresponding soccer types (e.g.  `(g l)' to


 This class holds all the necessary information for creating a soccer
 command that can be sent to the server. It contains variables
 denoting the possible arguments (angle, power, etc.) of the different
 soccer commands and stores the type of the current command. Only
 those variables which are related to the current type will get a
 legal value. Furthermore, the class contains a method for converting
 the command into a string message that will be accepted by the soccer
 server. The definition of this class can be found in the file


 This class holds the server time in the form of an ordered pair (t,s)
 where t denotes the current server cycle and s is the number of
 cycles since the clock has stopped. Here the value of t equals that
 of the time stamp contained in the last message received from the
 server, whereas the value for s will always be 0 while the game is in
 progress. It is only during dead ball situations (e.g. free kicks)
 that this value will be different, since in these cases the server
 time will stop while cycles continue to pass (i.e. actions can still
 be performed).  Representing the time in this way has the advantage
 that it allows the players to reason about the number of cycles
 between events in a meaningful way. The definition of this class can
 be found in the file `SoccerTypes.C'.


 This class contains several static methods for performing geometrical
 calculations and is mainly used by the BasicPlayer for working out
 action details. Methods have been defined for dealing with (possibly
 infinite) geometric series and for working with the abc-formula. Note
 that the `Geometry.C' file also contains several goniometric
 functions which enable one to specify angles in degrees rather than
 in radians.


 This class contains the representation of a position (x,y) and
 defines several methods which operate on this position in different
 ways. Methods are defined for relatively comparing positions
 (e.g. `isBehind', `isBetween', etc.) and for converting relative
 positions to global positions and vice versa. This class also allows
 you to specify positions in polar coordinates (r,phi) and contains a
 method for converting polar coordinates (r,phi) to Cartesian
 coordinates (x,y). Furthermore, the standard arithmetic operators
 have been overloaded for positions. The definition of this class can
 be found in the file `SoccerTypes.C'.


 This class contains the representation of a line: ax + by + c = 0. It
 allows one to specify a line in different ways: by providing three
 values (a, b and c), by giving two points on the line, or by
 specifying a single point on the line together with an
 angle. Furthermore, this class contains methods for determining the
 intersection point of two lines and for determining a line
 perpendicular to the current line that goes through a given
 point. The definition of this class can be found in the file


 This class contains the representation of a circle and contains
 methods that deal with circles. A circle is specified by a
 VecPosition object which denotes its center and by a value denoting
 its radius. Methods have been defined for computing the area and
 circumference of the circle and for determining the intersection
 points of two circles as well as the size of their intersection
 area. The definition of this class can be found in the file


 This class contains the representation of a rectangle and contains
 methods that deal with rectangles. A rectangle is specified by two
 VecPosition objects denoting the upper left corner and bottom right
 corner respectively. The most important method in this class
 determines whether a given point lies inside the current
 rectangle. The definition of this class can be found in the file

The main file
 In the file `main.C' all the different classes are initialized and
 linked after which the player mainloop is called. A single execution
 of this loop is as follows:

 - block until new sensory information is received
 - tell the WorldModel to update all the information using the latest message
   from the server
 - determine the best possible action in the form of a skill from the Player
 - send an action command which is part of this skill to the ActHandler

 This loop is called in each cycle after a sense_body or see message
 is received.  After a sense_body message a new action is determined
 based on a prediction of the current world state, whereas after a see
 message a new action is chosen based on the new visual
 information. In each case the action is put in the ActHandler
 queue. In this way the ActHandler will always contain an action even
 when no visual information arrived during a cycle. When visual
 information does arrive the action determined after the sense message
 arrival can be optimized based on the new information, but this is
 not necessary.


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