中文 / English
Java uses Linq capabilities similar to C#
C# Linq
Linq is Object oriented sql, linq is actually a query on the data in memory, enabling developers to write queries more easily. These query expressions look a lot like SQL
You can join, filter, sort, and group data sources with minimal code. These operations can be combined in a single query to obtain more complex results
allows you to write Java code that manipulates in-memory data in the same way that you query a database, for example
- List, Array
- SQL result data
- CSV, XML, JSON document datasets
- Stream, File stream
- Result association for RPCS such as Feign/Dubbo during distributed development
- In-memory computation of heterogeneous system data
- Use code to organize SQL result data
- Sorted aggregation of multiple result objects with in-memory paging
- Semantic object transformation and mapping
- Clean code, no need for loops and branches to manipulate data
- Federated access across data sources
、Group By
、Order By
It has zero external dependencies and is only 50kb in size
var strings = Linq.from("C", "A", "B", "B").gt(Th::is, "A").orderByDesc(Th::is).write(String.class);
// [C, B, B]
var integers = Linq.from(1, 2, 3, 7, 6, 5).orderBy(Th::is).write(Integer.class);
// [1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7]
var name = Linq.from(data)
// left join
.innerJoin(target, Target::getId, Data::getId)
// where like
.like(Data::getName, "a")
// select name
// distinct
// order by
public class ObjectQuery{
private final List<TestSource> source = http.get("https://gw.alipayobjects.com/os/antfincdn/v6MvZBUBsQ/column-data.json");
private final List<TestSourceExt> target = mongodb.query("db.target.find()");
* select demo
public void select(){
// select *
// select a, b, c
.select(TestSource::getName, TestSource::getDate, TestSource::getTags)
.select(TestSource::getTags, "tag2") // alias
.select(Columns.ofx(TestSource::getId, id -> id + "xxx")); // value convert
// select count(*), sum(id), max(id)
.select(Columns.sum(TestSource::getId, "sum"))
.select(Columns.max(TestSource::getId, "max"));
* join demo
public void join(){
// left join
Linq.from(source).leftJoin(target, TestSourceExt::getId, TestSource::getId)
// right join
Linq.from(source).rightJoin(target, TestSourceExt::getId, TestSource::getId);
// inner join
Linq.from(source).innerJoin(target, TestSourceExt::getId, TestSource::getId);
// full join
Linq.from(source).fullJoin(target, TestSourceExt::getId, TestSource::getId);
* where demo
public void where() {
// =
Linq.from(source).eq(TestSource::getName, "Thanos").select(Columns.count(countAlias)).writeOne(Integer.class);
// >=:lval and <=:rval
Linq.from(source).between(TestSource::getId, 1, 3);
// in (x,x,x)
Linq.from(source).in(TestSource::getId, 1, 2, 3);
// like '%x%'
Linq.from(source).like(TestSource::getName, "a");
// is null
// customer single field where
Linq.from(source).where(TestSource::getId, id -> id >= 5);
// customer condition or multi field
Linq.from(source).where(data -> {
String name = data.get(TestSource::getName);
Integer age = (Integer)data.get(TestSource::getAge);
// name = 'xxx' or age > 10
return "xxx".equals(name) || age > 10;
* group by demo
public void groupBy(){
Columns.of(TestSource::getName, "name"),
Columns.min(TestSource::getDate, "min"),
Columns.avg(TestSource::getId, "avg"),
Columns.count(TestSource::getName, "countName"),
Columns.countDistinct(TestSource::getName, "countDistinct")
.having(row -> Integer.parseInt(row.get("avg").toString()) > 2)
* result write demo
public void write(){
// write List<Object>
List<TestSource> list = Linq.from(source).orderByAsc(TestSource::getDate).write(TestSource.class);
// write Object
TestSource obj = Linq.from(source).limit(3).writeOne(TestSource.class);
// write List<Map>
List<Map<String, Object>> map = Linq.from(source).writeMap();
// write Map
Map<String, Object> mapOne = Linq.from(source).writeMapOne();
- Supports combining multiple query result sets: UNION ALL, UNION, INTERSECT, EXCEPT, UNION BY NAME
- Supports window functions
- Support Nested loop join
- supports having
- Support group column format group by date(created_at)