We are actively looking for quarantines (mbox files or entire directories). Please, contact me if you can share them to help this project.
wbmclamav is a Webmin module for ClamAV antivirus. It can be used to update ClamAV / Freshclam configuration, manage quarantine, search in the viruses database and keep it up-to-date, scan local directories, control remote ClamAV, extract signatures from new viruses, and so on.
Open the Webmin modules manager and upload the wbmclamav file.
- Rename your local Git repository (optional):
mv wbmclamav/ clamav/
- Build a gzipped tarball archive:
tar zcvf wbmclamav.wbm.gz clamav/
- Open the Webmin modules manager and upload your brand new wbmclamav file.
You need at least the following Perl modules in order to run wbmclamav:
- Date::Manip
- File::Basename
- File::Path
- File::Find
- File::Copy
- HTML::Entities
- IO::Socket
Depending on the software installed on your system and your wbmclamav configuration options, you may also need the following modules:
- Compress::Zlib
- GD
- GD::Graph::lines
- Getopt::Long
- IO::File
- LWP::UserAgent
- Mail::Internet
- Mail::Mbox::MessageParser
- Mail::SpamAssassin
- Net::SMTP
All those modules can be loaded from CPAN.
As root you can try:
# perl -MCPAN -e shell
CPAN Shell> install module1 module2 ...