ABU ROBOCON 2018 competition
competition objective : handling shuttlecocks and throwing them through rings.
it contains two robots:
1/ Manual robot : manual should pick shuttlecocks and handle it to automatic robot. There are two types of shuttlecocks such as normal and golden.
2/ Automatic robot : after handling shuttlecock form manual robot, it should throw the shuttlecock at the ring to gain points. If the shuttlecock is normal, automatic robot must throw it at normal rings(from different zones: zone1 and zone2). If the shuttlecock is golden, automatic robot must throw it at golden ring (zone3) and when Golden Shuttlecock is thrown through the Golden Ring and then is landed on the Golden Cup, that team will gain "Rongbay"(“Flying Dragon”) and the match will be finished.
The rule book of ABU ROBOCON 2018 : https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1KZH7Yge-xKRkF7iNsdmjWJpmvtSysd9R?usp=sharing
The link of ROBOCON18 theme : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_QsOxRj4-gk
written by eslam gamal elsayed.
Email: eslamgamal.201441@gmail.com