A run tracker and logger for The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth+
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- Seed, character, item, floor + curse, boss and time identification for current run.
- Run history analyzing various stats (char, items, bosses, time etc)
- Item collection displaying the icon, name, flavor text, detailed stats and run statistics for each one.
- Character and boss collections displaying run statistics for each one.
Windows: Just decompress and run. You may need to update the Microsoft .net Framework.
Linux: Unfortunately, WPF didn't work with Wine last time I checked.
It all started when I realized that I had played hundreds of hours of Isaac, but had no way to compare or analyze my runs, except for my achievements and the Stats screen of course.
But that wasn't even remotely enough.
I then remembered a similar app existing for Hearthstone.
Off I went to Google, and there it was, the RebirthItemTracker.
Having that as a base, I started developing TFOI (and using it as a reason to play more Isaac).
- NICALiS and Edmund McMillen for making this awesome game.
- This project that really helped and inspired me.
- Rick and his unpacker.
THANK YOU BASED RICK - My friend, Eddy Pasterino, for beta testing (usually against his will).
This basically is a text parser that reads the game's log. It identifies certain events (like picking up an item) and presents them to the user, so that anyone can catch up with just a glance.
When the run finishes, it inserts the run's data into a local SQLite database. That data will be available to the user through various screens like:
- Run log
- Item-related data
- Boss-related data
- Character-related data
- Check out if greed mode can be properly logged
- Run entry manipulation
- More testing!
- The run timer doesn't stop when the run finishes
- The run timer resets if you hit back while doing a run