The ESS-DIVE dataset metadata reporting format ensures that all datasets submitted to the ESS-DIVE data repository have consistent and complete metadata. Complete metadata can enable data discovery and data resue. When creating the reporting format, the ESS-DIVE team reviewied existing metadata schema including JSON-LD and Ecological Metadata Language. By ensuring that the resulting ESS-DIVE metadata reporitng format aligned as much as possible with existing schema and other resources, this enables our reporitng format to interoperate with other data modeling languages and data repositories.
When ESS-DIVE's user community submits data to the repository, they are asked to fill out metadata for their entire dataset. Users can enter this metadata through our point-and-click web form or programatically via our API. Because the previously mentioned links include step-by-step guidance on how to submit data, in this GitHub repository, we share documents that explain our metadata schema and development process.
We encourage suggestions for improving the ESS-DIVE dataset metadata template and documentations. Please submit a GitHub issue using one of our issue templates to suggest changes.
Also, you can always email the ESS-DIVE support team at ess-dive-support (at)
This repository content is license for use under the CC BY 4.0 license
Funding for the development of ESS-DIVE's dataset metadata reporting format was provided by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Biological and Environmental Research, Climate and Environmental Science Division, Data Management program under contract number DE-AC02-05CH11231.
Agarwal, D., Cholia, S., Hendrix, V. C., Crystal-Ornelas, R., Snavely, C., Damerow, J., & Varadharajan. (2022). ESS-DIVE Reporting Format for Dataset Metadata. Environmental Systems Science Data Infrastructure for a Virtual Ecosystem (ESS-DIVE), ESS-DIVE repository.
Documentation available ESS-DIVE's dataset metadata