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DeepT - Multi-norm Zonotopes & Transformer certification

We present DeepT, a novel method for certifying Transformer networks based on abstract interpretation, as presented in our PLDI 2021 paper "Fast and precise certification of transformers". This repository contains all code and data necessary to reproduce the results from the paper, as well as the complete experimental results.

Attacks & Certification of Natural Language Models

Neural networks for Natural Language Processing are vulnerable to adversarial examples, where a meaning-preserving change to the sentence causes the model to make incorrect predictions.

The goal of the DeepT verifier is to prove the local robustness of Transformer networks against certain threat models for given input sequences. In other words, given an input, we aim to guarantee the model will always produce the right prediction for all variations of the input described by the threat model (synonym replacements and embedding changes, see Threat Models section below).

Multi-norm Zonotopes

The key idea behind DeepT is our new multi-norm Zonotope abstract domain, an extension of the classical Zonotope designed to handle L1 and L2-norm bound perturbations.

We introduce all Multi-norm Zonotope abstract transformers necessary to handle these complex networks, including the challenging softmax function and dot product. The abstract transformers are carefully constructed to strike a good balance between precision and performance.

Threat models

We consider 2 threat models: attacks in the embedding space within a l^p ball and synonym attacks where each word may be replaced a synonym.

Transformer networks

Transformer networks have delivered state-of-the-art performance across many NLP tasks, and were also successfully applied to a wide variety of other tasks including object detection, graph classification, speech recognition, and visual question answering. The core part of a Transformer network is a stack of self-attention layers. For NLP tasks, the first layer of this stack is preceded by an embedding layer, mapping words to vectors in an embedding space.

Evaluation Results

Our evaluation shows that DeepT can certify average robustness radii that are $28\times$ larger than the state-of-the-art, while scaling favorably. Further, for the first time, we certify Transformers against synonym attacks on long sequences of words, where each word can be replaced by any synonym. DeepT achieves a high certification success rate on sequences of words where enumeration-based verification would take 2 to 3 orders of magnitude more time.


DeepT requires a GNU/Linux system with:

  • An NVIDIA GPU with at least 11 GB of RAM to run the experiments that only use DeepT-Fast and CROWN-BaF
  • An NVIDIA GPU with at least 24 GB of RAM for the full reproduction of all the experiments
  • Installed CUDA drivers supporting CUDAlib 10.


  1. Go into the Robustness-Verification-for-Transformers/reproduce_results directory: cd Robustness-Verification-for-Transformers/reproduce_results
  2. Run script to install Miniconda, create an environment with the dependencies installed and download the data used in the experiments: ./

Getting started

To run the DeepT and certify a Transformer network against a synonym attack, follow these instructions:

  1. Install the DeepT library (as well as the CROWN baseline) as described in the Installation section.
  2. Go into the Robustness-Verification-for-Transformers/reproduce_results directory: cd Robustness-Verification-for-Transformers/reproduce_results
  3. Run the script, which will produce the statistics in stdout.

To run the DeepT and certify a Transformer network against a L2 attack on the embeddings for a Transformer with 6 layers, follow these instructions:

  1. Install the DeepT library (as well as the CROWN baseline) as described in the Installation section.
  2. Go into the Robustness-Verification-for-Transformers/getting_started directory: cd Robustness-Verification-for-Transformers/getting_started
  3. Run the script, which will produce the statistics in stdout.

Step-by-Step Instructions to Reproduce Full Article Results

Preliminary step: go into the Robustness-Verification-for-Transformers/reproduce_results directory.

Obtaining the (raw) results for each table

All tables

To compute results for all Tables, run the script, which will store the results in the Robustness-Verification-for-Transformers/results directory, organized per experiment / Table.

Table 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 13

To compute the results for a particular Table, for example Table 3, run the script, which will store the results for that experiment / Table in a subdirectory of the Robustness-Verification-for-Transformers/results directory.

Obtaining a summary of the data for each table

  1. Run script to start Jupyter.
  2. Select the Analysis.ipynb.
  3. Run all the cells in the notebook.

Reproducing the synonym attack results

Run the script, which will produce the statistics in stdout.

Reference results

The reference results for Tables 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 13 as well as the Analysis notebook obtain the result statistics are present in the reference_results.

Other platforms

The installation instructions and the scripts to obtain the results are for GNU/Linux. DeepT can be used on other platforms, provided the dependencies are met. Feel free to write a pull request with working scripts for your favourite platform.



The files for the SST dataset [1] originate from 2 sources:

  1. The TXT files can be downloaded from the Stanford NLP Sentiment Analysis page using this link.
  2. The TSV files can be downloaded from the GLUE benchmark page using this link.


The Yelp dataset is available at

The Yelp reviews polarity dataset is constructed by Xiang Zhang ( from the above dataset. It is first used as a text classification benchmark in [2].


[1] Richard Socher, Alex Perelygin, Jean Wu, Jason Chuang, Christopher D. Manning, Andrew Y. Ng, and Christopher Potts. 2013. Recursive Deep Models for Semantic Compositionality Over a Sentiment Treebank. In EMNLP. ACL, 1631–1642.

[2] Xiang Zhang, Junbo Zhao, Yann LeCun. Character-level Convolutional Networks for Text Classification. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 28 (NIPS 2015).