Here is a list of all requirements needed for the token creator contract
ERC20 Compatible
Fixed total supply
Dynamic token allocation (less than or equal to 10)
Dynamic pricing rounds (less than or equal to 10)
Possibility to Burn unsold tokens or Move tokens to a known address (move allocation with 0 address as _to)
Possibility to schedule and reschedule your crowdfund.
Dynamic Vesting period
Presale seeding function
A user can create a token contract to their spec (Name, Symbol, Total Supply) and it needs to be ERC20 compatible
A user can setup multiple token allocations sending it to multiple addresses. Every token allocation is a percentage of the total supply. The sum of all allocations is the total supply
A user is able to hold a presale off platform and send the tokens to a batch of addresses
A user is able to setup multiple pricing rounds. All of these pricing rounds have both a
and anEPOCH
Tokens should be locked for the duration of the crowdfund. Unlocked as soon as the crowdfund closes (or is done?)
A user should be able to decide where the leftover tokens from the crowdfund are sent. Either they are going to an address or are burnt
A user should be able to schedule his crowdfund and reschedule it (rescheduling only can occur 4 hours before intended crowdfund start time)
A user should be able to create multiple allocations for his tokens, and every allocation should be able to vest for a variable amount of months.
First install required packages npm install
Either run truffle develop
in home directory and then run test
Or spin up a testrpc
and run truffle test
- Solium:
solium -d contracts/
solium -d contracts --fix
- Solidity coverage
docker run -i -t -v $(pwd)/contracts:/oyente/oyente/contracts luongnguyen/oyente
cd /oyente/oyente && python -s contracts/Crowdfund.sol
- Mythril
pip3 install mythril
Get the function signatures
mkdir ~/.mythril
cd ~/.mythril
myth -x myContract.sol
- Solidity flatenner
solidity_flattener --output StandardTokenFlattened.sol StandardToken.sol
- Creating Go bindings