EthStorage is a modular and decentralized storage layer 2 (L2) that offers programmable key-value storage powered by data availability (DA). It enables long-term DA solutions for Rollups and opens new possibilities for fully on-chain applications, such as games, social networks, and AI.
The EthStorage network consists of two main components:
- Storage contract on Ethereum L1: Responsible for on-chain fee distribution and proof of storage verification.
- L2 storage network: Composed of es-nodes, responsible for off-chain data storage replicas and proof through continuous DA sampling.
You can find an overview of how it works here.
Core functionalities of the storage contract:
- Accept data uploads as 4844-BLOBs and store the BLOB data hash on-chain as part of a key-value store.
- Verify the storage proof submitted by L2 storage providers against the on-chain BLOB hash to ensure they store the BLOB data off-chain.
- Accept payments from users for data storage and continuously distribute those payments to the storage providers.
The storage contract inherits from several contracts, with each one in the inheritance chain implementing different functionalities. The inheritance hierarchy is as follows:
DecentralizedKV <- StorageContract <- EthStorageContract <- EthStorageContract2 <- EthStorageContractL2
DecentralizedKV is the top-level parent contract and provides the following core functionalities:
- Basic key-value store: Users can upload data as 4844-BLOBs and retrieve it using the associated key.
- Discounted cash flow algorithm: It calculates upfront storage fees from users. More details on the storage fee model can be found in our white paper
StorageContract inherits from DecentralizedKV and focuses on two main features:
- Multiple storage shards.
- A fair and efficient on-chain fee distribution system for storage providers:
- Fair: Each replica is expected to receive 1/m of the fees, where m is the total number of physical replicas.
- Efficient communication: The protocol cost is O(1) within a target interval (e.g., 6 hours). More details on the fee distribution algorithm can be found in our ESP report
Each L2 storage provider has a unique replica encoded with the provider’s ID. Providers continuously perform random sampling, submitting qualified proofs to the contract.
EthStorageContract performs the following storage proof verifications submitted by L2 storage providers:
- Inclusive verification: The contract verifies that the submitted sample data belongs to the stored off-chain BLOB.
- zk-SNARK-based encoding verification: Each sample’s encoding is verified using zk-SNARKs. You can find the related circom here. The number of random checks is flexible, but more checks increase on-chain verification gas costs.
To reduce gas costs, EthStorageContract2 performs a single verification, regardless of how many random sampling checks are required. The corresponding circom file is available here
EthStorageContractL2 inherits from EthStorageContract2 and is designed for deployment on L2. While L1 BLOBs are currently inexpensive, Ethereum L1 execution costs remain high for many non-financial applications. Deploying the storage contract on L2 allows EthStorage to serve as a storage L3, offering lower storage costs for applications built on it. The L2 environment differs from L1, requiring two key modifications:
- Randomness source: L2 doesn’t have a reliable random generator like L1’s RANDAO. To address this, L1 blockhash is bridged to L2 for verification.
- Rate limiting: With lower execution costs, it becomes feasible to perform numerous key-value updates at a reasonable cost. To prevent potential DoS attacks, rate limiting is implemented.
- Install foundry by following the link
- npm run install:all
- npm run test
Smart contracts should be written according to this
- Implementation: npx hardhat verify --network sepolia
- Proxy: npx hardhat verify --network sepolia --constructor-args arguments.js