A python cheat sheet containing the basics needed for this course can be found here: https://perso.limsi.fr/pointal/_media/python:cours:mementopython3-english.pdf
The documentation of SciPy can be found here: http://scipy-cookbook.readthedocs.io/index.html
- 0_1_python_introduction_exercise: basic python examples
- 0_2_python_intro_applications: python applications (linear regression, optimization)
- 1_0_probability_ml_basics: Probability recap and machine learning basics
- 2_0_regression_pgm: Regression and probabilistic graphical models
- 3_0_pgo_icp: Pose graph optimization and iterative closest point
- 4_0_pca_kmeans_svm: Principal Component Analysis (PCA), k-means clustering, Support Vector Machine (SVM).
- 5_deep_learning: Backpropagation, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), Deep Reinforcement Learning (RL).