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Update 20/10/2023
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treynaud committed Oct 20, 2023
1 parent 3068b6a commit 005db4f
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Showing 5 changed files with 88 additions and 177 deletions.
Binary file modified documents/LOCODOX_User_Manual_V043.pdf
Binary file not shown.
226 changes: 68 additions & 158 deletions doxy_corr/DOXY_NCEP_colocalize.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -76,6 +76,10 @@
% 22/03/2019 Marine GALLIAN, Altran Ouest
% Update function in order to manage new MC
% measurement code for in air data
% 27/04:2023 : C. Kermabon.
% Utilisation interpn + prise en compte ERA5.

function [NCEP] = DOXY_NCEP_colocalize(NCEP,argoTrajWork,CONFIG)

Expand All @@ -93,176 +97,82 @@
% Interpolate argoTrajWork time, lat and lon over a 6h daily grid
% =========================================================================
if iscell(
juld = cellfun(@(x) x+datenum(strrep(argoTrajWork.juld.units,...
juld_argo = cellfun(@(x) x+datenum(strrep(argoTrajWork.juld.units,...
'days since',''),'yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS'),...,'UniformOutput',false);
juld = cell2mat(juld);
juld_argo = cell2mat(juld_argo);
juld = + ...
juld_argo = + ...
datenum(strrep(argoTrajWork.juld.units,'days since',''),'yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS');

% Argo Traj Latitude and longitude
% The position of the PPOX is the first localization of Argo, for the same
% cycle_number
[myunik, idxunik] = unique(;
idxunik = idxunik(isfinite(myunik));
idxunik(end+1) = length(;

if iscell(
lat = cell2mat(;
lon = cell2mat(;
lat = NaN(1,length(idxunik)-1);
lon = NaN(1,length(idxunik)-1);
for i = 1:length(idxunik)-1
k = idxunik(i);
isok = find(~isnan(,1,'first');
if ~isempty(isok)
lat(i) =;
lon(i) =;

% Define the 6h daily grid (4 times a day)
% Force start/end date to 4-times daily grid (6h daily)
startdate = floor(min(juld)*4)/4; %--MG
enddate = ceil(max(juld)*4)/4; %--MG
% new time grid : times at which to extract data
argo6h.juld = (startdate:1/4:enddate)';

% keep nan values in memory
%idxnan = isnan(juld); % Commented by T. Reynaud 06.11.2020
idxnan = isnan(juld.*lat);% Filter date without positions

% Interpolation over the argoTrajWork track, taking into account the new time grid
% If any non unique values (example : repeated AET), add infinitesimal data
% to array and then interpolate.
varToManage = {juld,lat,lon};
varNameToManage = {'juld','lat','lon'};
for v = 1:length(varToManage)
y = varToManage{v};
uniqueTab = unique(y);
if length(uniqueTab) ~= length(y)
eval([varNameToManage{v} '= y + linspace(0, 1, length(y))*1E-5;']);

% interpolate lat and lon over new grid time (extrapolated over NaN values) = interp1(juld(~idxnan),lat(~idxnan),argo6h.juld,'pchip',NaN); = interp1(juld(~idxnan),lat(~idxnan),argo6h.juld(isnan(,'nearest','extrap');
argo6h.lon = interp1(juld(~idxnan),lon(~idxnan),argo6h.juld,'pchip',NaN);
argo6h.lon(isnan(argo6h.lon)) = interp1(juld(~idxnan),lon(~idxnan),argo6h.juld(isnan(argo6h.lon)),'nearest','extrap');

% =========================================================================
% Find NCEP data near to argoTrajWork regridded data (time, lat and lon over a 6h
% daily grid)
% Interpolate data to argoTrajWork profile date
% Finalize data
% =========================================================================
varNames = fieldnames(NCEP.init);
varNames = varNames(~ismember(varNames,'nodata'));
for i = 1:length(varNames)
nbdata = length(argo6h.juld);
NCEP.coloc.juld = cell2mat(;
juld_ncep = NCEP.init.(varNames{1}) + ...
datenum(strrep(NCEP.init.(varNames{1}).juld.units,'days since',''),'yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS');

if max(juld_ncep)<max(juld_argo)
fprintf('\n\nAttention : INAIR DATA are loaded until %s.\nARGO are loaded until %s.\nUpdate the INAIR Data.',datestr(max(juld_ncep)),datestr(max(juld_argo)));
if min(juld_ncep)>min(juld_argo)
fprintf('\n\nAttention : INAIR DATA are loaded from %s.\nARGO are loaded from %s.\nUpdate INAIR DATA.\n',datestr(min(juld_ncep)),datestr(min(juld_argo)));
% Verification que certaines annees, exceptee la derniere, ne sont pas
% tronquees.
diff_juld_ncep = diff(juld_ncep);
unic_diff = uniquetol(diff_juld_ncep,1/48);
if length(unic_diff)~=1
fprintf('Attention : Error on INAIR DATA between\nThe difference between data are not unic.\n');
for i = 1:length(varNames)
easyVar = varNames{i};
dataNcepOnArgo.(easyVar).data = ones(nbdata,1)*NaN;
dataNcepOnArgo.(easyVar).juld = argo6h.juld;
dataNcepOnArgo.(easyVar).lat =;
dataNcepOnArgo.(easyVar).lon = argo6h.lon;

% get NCEP data
data = NCEP.init.(easyVar).(easyVar).data;
lat = NCEP.init.(easyVar);
lon = NCEP.init.(easyVar);
juld = NCEP.init.(easyVar) + ...
% Longitude between 0 and 360.
lon_ncep = double(NCEP.init.(easyVar);
lon_ncep(lon_ncep<0) = lon_ncep(lon_ncep<0)+360;
lon_argo = cell2mat(;
lon_argo(lon_argo<0) = lon_argo(lon_argo<0) + 360;
juld_ncep = NCEP.init.(easyVar) + ...
datenum(strrep(NCEP.init.(easyVar).juld.units,'days since',''),'yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS');

% look for the nearest NCEP juld from the argo6h juld
isok = dsearchn(juld,argo6h.juld);

%% FROM HENRY BITIIG: NCEPgetdata_netcdf4
if length(isok) ~= length(unique(isok))
% option 1: abort completely
% Time index assigments to gridded data do not match uniquely!!
% Check time resolution / multi-year assignment !
% option 2: remove entries out of range and adjust time frame for
% simulation
if any(juld(isok) - argo6h.juld <= 1/4) && ind_h==0
idx=find(argo6h.juld>juld(end));% Added By TR 10.04.2020
if ~isempty(idx)
h = warndlg({sprintf('Float Time series longer than NCEP gridded data !!'),' '...
strcat('INFO : NCEP data are loaded up to: ',datestr(juld(end),31),'Float lasts: ',datestr(argo6h.juld(end),31)),'Update NCEP files!'});
h = warndlg({sprintf('Time index assigments to gridded data do not match uniquely!!'),' '...
strcat('INFO : NCEP data are loaded for year ',num2str(CONFIG.ncepYears(1),'%4.4i'),' to ',num2str(CONFIG.ncepYears(end),'%4.4i'),' ; see the configuration file. '),'Update NCEP files!'});
elseif ind_h==0
h = warndlg({sprintf('Time index assigments to gridded data do not match uniquely!!'),' '...
strcat('INFO : NCEP data are loaded for year ',num2str(CONFIG.ncepYears(1),'%4.4i'),' to ',num2str(CONFIG.ncepYears(end),'%4.4i'),' ; see the configuration file. '), 'Check time resolution / multi-year assignment or update NCEP files!'});
% find indices to be removed at the end based on time difference
% In particular, if the NCEP data doesn't cover the argo data time span in whole
% or in part, operator is warned up
rmind = find(abs(juld(isok) - argo6h.juld) >= 1/4/2); % >= 3 hours (half NCEP resolution)
dataNcepOnArgo.(easyVar).data(rmind) = [];
dataNcepOnArgo.(easyVar).juld(rmind)= [];
dataNcepOnArgo.(easyVar).lat(rmind) = [];
dataNcepOnArgo.(easyVar).lon(rmind) = [];
nbdata = length(dataNcepOnArgo.(easyVar).juld);

%% Look for the nearest latitude and longitude indices
ilat = NaN(nbdata,2);
ilon = NaN(nbdata,2);
for j = 1:nbdata
isoklat = [find(lat >= dataNcepOnArgo.(easyVar).lat(j),1,'last') find(lat < dataNcepOnArgo.(easyVar).lat(j),1,'first')];
if ~isempty(isoklat)
% catch events when no proper index is obtained and NaN remains...
ilat(j,:) = isoklat;
ilon(j,:) = [find(lon - 360 < dataNcepOnArgo.(easyVar).lon(j),1,'last') ...
find(lon - 360 >= dataNcepOnArgo.(easyVar).lon(j),1,'first')];

% Replace NaNs with 1 and keep index for later NaN replacement
idxnan = isnan(ilat(:,1)) & isnan(ilat(:,2));
ilat(idxnan,:) = 1;
ilon(idxnan,:) = 1;

% Simple 2D bilinear interpolation over lat/lon
% Henry Bittg comments :
% the following lines attribute a linear weight in latitude and
% longitude to the four corners surrounding the current interpolation
% point. I made this to avoid a more time-consuming 2d bilinear
% interpolation, which wasn???t readymade in Matlab available.
wlat = 1 - abs(lat(ilat) - repmat(dataNcepOnArgo.(easyVar).lat,1,2))./...
repmat(sum(abs(lat(ilat) - repmat(dataNcepOnArgo.(easyVar).lat,1,2)),2),1,2);
wlon = 1 - abs(lon(ilon) - 360 - repmat(dataNcepOnArgo.(easyVar).lon,1,2))./...
repmat(sum(abs(lon(ilon) - 360 - repmat(dataNcepOnArgo.(easyVar).lon,1,2)),2),1,2);

% now extract scaled values
for j = 1:nbdata
dataNcepOnArgo.(easyVar).data(j) = sum(sum(double(squeeze(data(isok(j),...
% replace NaN again (double-proof; wlat/wlon should be NaN already)
dataNcepOnArgo.(easyVar).data(idxnan) = NaN;
clear juld isok ilat ilon wlat wlon output
% NCEP.coloc.(easyVar) = interp1(juld_ncep,dataNcepOnArgo.(easyVar).data,...
% NCEP.coloc.juld + datenum(strrep(argoTrajWork.juld.units,'days since',''),'yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS'));
% NCEP ne va que jusqu'à la longitude 357.5.
% On boucle le tableau sur 360 degre.
% EX :
% si la longitude va de 5° à 355°, ce qui suit permet d'avoir des longitudes de 5° à
% 365°. Toutes les longitudes sont ainsi couvertes.
% Les longitudes ARGO superieures à 355° seront correctement
% interpolées. Les longitudes ARGO inferieures à 5°, il faut alors leur
% rajouter 360° pour qu'elles puissent etre interpolees correctement.
bid = NaN(length(lon_ncep)+1,1);
bid(1:end-1) = lon_ncep;
bid(end) = min(lon_ncep) + 360; % min(lon_ncep) proche de 0 car lon entre 0 et 360.
lon_ncep = bid;
bid = NaN(size(NCEP.init.(easyVar).(easyVar).data,1),size(NCEP.init.(easyVar).(easyVar).data,2),size(NCEP.init.(easyVar).(easyVar).data,3)+1);
bid(:,:,1:end-1) = NCEP.init.(easyVar).(easyVar).data(:,:,1:end);
ind_min_lon = find(lon_ncep==min(lon_ncep));
bid(:,:,end) = NCEP.init.(easyVar).(easyVar).data(:,:,ind_min_lon);

% =========================================================================
% Interpolate data to argoTrajWork profile date
% Finalize data
% =========================================================================
NCEP.coloc.juld = cell2mat(;
for i = 1:length(varNames)
easyVar = varNames{i};
NCEP.coloc.(easyVar) = interp1(dataNcepOnArgo.(easyVar).juld,dataNcepOnArgo.(easyVar).data,...
NCEP.coloc.juld + datenum(strrep(argoTrajWork.juld.units,'days since',''),'yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS'));
% Prise en compte du cas où la longitude ARGO est inferieure à la longitude
isbad = find(lon_argo<min(lon_ncep));
lon_argo(isbad) = lon_argo(isbad) + 360;

NCEP.coloc.(easyVar) =interpn(juld_ncep,double(NCEP.init.(easyVar),lon_ncep(IndLon),bid(:,:,IndLon),juld_argo,cell2mat(,lon_argo);
29 changes: 15 additions & 14 deletions doxy_corr/DOXY_drift.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -151,7 +151,7 @@
% levels or at the sea surface

if strcmp(Work.whichDrift,'WOA')
a=questdlg('Do you want to compute the Time Drift on deep levels (No ==> Time Drift will be computed at the sea surface ?',sprintf('Levels of WOA_based dirft correction - %d',Work.wmo),'Yes','No','No');
a=input('Do you want to compute the Time Drift on deep levels (No ==> Time Drift will be computed at the sea surface ? Yes/No','s');
if strcmp(a,'Yes')
Work.driftondeeplevels = 1;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -349,10 +349,10 @@
if Work.drift_spec == 1
v = ver;
if all(cellfun('isempty',strfind({v.Name},'Statistics')))
input = inputdlg({'Statistics Toolbox unavailable : Matlab can''t apply your drift equation. The drift will be compute with a polynomial equation. The default degree is 1. Do you wan''t to change it ?'},...
inputval = inputdlg({'Statistics Toolbox unavailable : Matlab can''t apply your drift equation. The drift will be compute with a polynomial equation. The default degree is 1. Do you wan''t to change it ?'},...
'DOXY_drift : non statistic toolbox',1,{'1'});
Work.drift_spec = 0;
Work.drift_fitPolynomialDegree = str2num(char(input)); %#ok<ST2NM>
Work.drift_fitPolynomialDegree = str2num(char(inputval)); %#ok<ST2NM>
if Work.drift_spec == 0
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -682,16 +682,17 @@
% DRIFT.applyDriftC='NO';
% end
% else
DRIFT.applyDriftC = questdlg({sprintf('Float #%d',Work.wmo);...
' ---------------------------';
'The statistical method results in: '; ...
' ---------------------------';DRIFT.explanation0;
DRIFT.explanation1; DRIFT.explanation2; ...
driftCorrSuggestion; DRIFT.explanation; DRIFT.explanation3;...
' ---------------------------';...
'Apply time drift correction ?';''},...
% DRIFT.applyDriftC = questdlg({sprintf('Float #%d',Work.wmo);...
% ' ---------------------------';
% 'The statistical method results in: '; ...
% ' ---------------------------';DRIFT.explanation0;
% DRIFT.explanation1; DRIFT.explanation2; ...
% '---------------------------';...
% driftCorrSuggestion; DRIFT.explanation; DRIFT.explanation3;...
% ' ---------------------------';...
% 'Apply time drift correction ?';''},...
DRIFT.applyDriftC = input('Apply the drift correction ? (YES/NO)','s');
% end

Expand All @@ -702,6 +703,6 @@
DRIFT.explanation = sprintf('* State: %s',errorMess);
% to small drift
waitfor(warndlg({driftCorrSuggestion;explanation},'NO DRIFT COMPUTATION')); %marine 12/06/19
waitfor(warndlg({driftCorrSuggestion;DRIFT.explanation},'NO DRIFT COMPUTATION')); %marine 12/06/19

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion locodox.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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% Read the configuration file, addpath and load files
if nargin == 0
config_prog = '/Users/treynaud/IFREMER/MATLAB/LOCODOX/LOCODOX4.2/locodox_config';
config_prog = '/Users/treynaud/IFREMER/MATLAB/LOCODOX/LOCODOX/locodox_config';
% if nargin == 0
% config_prog = '/Users/vthierry/matlab/GITHUB_LOCODOX/LOCODOX/locodox_config';
Expand Down
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions locodox_config.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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if strfind(username,'treynaud')
% Main directory of LOCODOX
CONFIG.LocodoxMainDir = '/Users/treynaud/IFREMER/MATLAB/LOCODOX/LOCODOX4.2/';
CONFIG.LocodoxMainDir = '/Users/treynaud/IFREMER/MATLAB/LOCODOX/LOCODOX/';
% Directory of the Argo NetCDF data
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -208,12 +208,12 @@
% ncepFtpSubDir : the sub directory where to find the NCEP data in the ftp website
% ncepFiles : the NCEP files to be read
% ncepYears : read the NCEP data for the years specified
CONFIG.ncepDoUpdate = 1;
CONFIG.ncepDoUpdate = 1;
CONFIG.ncepFtp = '';
CONFIG.ncepFtpDir = 'Datasets/ncep.reanalysis/';
CONFIG.ncepFtpSubDir = {'surface','surface','surface'};
CONFIG.ncepFiles = {'slp','air.sig995','rhum.sig995'};
CONFIG.ncepYears = [2014:2022];% To be used
CONFIG.ncepYears = [2014:2023];% To be used
CONFIG.ncepGetYears = str2double(datestr(now,'YYYY'));% To be downloaded
%CONFIG.ncepGetYears = [2021:2022];% To be downloaded

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -354,7 +354,7 @@
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
CONFIG.history_software = 'LOCODOX';
CONFIG.history_reference = ['LOPS2020_WOA',WOA_YEAR];
CONFIG.history_software_release = '4.2';
CONFIG.history_software_release = '4.3';
CONFIG.prefix = 'BD';

% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Expand Down

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