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This Rest service works in parallel of worker service called WorkerServiceBasedRabbitMQ. The Rest service send data to the worker service through RabbitMQ, then it is saved in a local SqlServer Database.

It's recommanded to launch first the WorkerServiceBasedRabbitMQ. For details, please go to WorkerServiceBasedRabbitMQ repository and open the Readme file.


  • [ASP.NET Core 6]
  • [Entity Framework Core 7]
  • [RabbitMQ]
  • [Docker]
  • [LocalDB Sql Server]

Getting Started

1/4 - Downloading Applications and Installing RabbitMQ using Docker


  1. Given that Docker is installed, we’ll open a command-line terminal and use the docker run command to spin up our server: docker run -d --hostname my-rabbitmq-server --name rabbitmq -p 5672:5672 -p 15672:15672 rabbitmq:3-management
  2. Run command : docker start rabbitmq
  3. Navigate to http://localhost:15672
  4. Login as guest (Username : guest, Password : guest)

ServiceBasedRabbit application

  1. Download the ServiceBasedRabbit application
  2. Open Windows command prompt and go to : ServiceBasedRabbit.api folder
  3. Launch dotnet run
  4. Navigate to : http://localhost:5195/swagger/index.html

WorkerServiceBasedRabbitMQ application

  1. Download the WorkerServiceBasedRabbitMQ application
  2. Open Windows command prompt and go to : WorkerServiceBasedRabbitMQ folder
  3. Launch dotnet run

2/4 - Database Configuration

WorkerServiceBasedRabbitMQ application is configured to use a (localDB) Sql Server database. This ensures that all users will be able to run the solution without needing to set up additional infrastructure (e.g. SQL Server).

Set up a local Sql Server Database:

  1. Open Windows command prompt
  2. Launch sqllocaldb create "local"
  3. Open MSSQL Management Studio
  4. Connect to server : (localdb)\local

3/4 - Database Migrations

This step is about to create the RabbitMQ Database in the LocalDB, before starting to use the applications:

2 ways for creating:

  • From Visual Studio
  1. Open Package Manager Console
  2. Run PM> add-migration Migration-1
  3. Run PM> Update-Database
  4. Check RabbitMQ Database that is created
  • From .Net CLI
  1. Run dotnet ef migrations add Migration-1
  2. Run dotnet ef database update
  3. Check RabbitMQ Database that is created

4/4 - Now you can, use the applications !

  1. Go to Rest Service ServiceBasedRabbit
  2. Post a new User
  3. Check WorkerServiceBasedRabbitMQ windows : you have to get the message (the user you just post).
  4. Check the database, User table to see it has been created.

N.B. I Apologize but for this moment, only Posting a new User is working.


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