CryptoKon is a revolutionary web application that helps you stay ahead of the curve in the ever-changing world of cryptocurrency. With its advanced analysis tools, CryptoKon provides a deep understanding of the trends and movements within specific crypto projects, empowering you to make informed investment decisions. Say goodbye to sifting through endless data and hello to a streamlined, user-friendly platform that puts the power of crypto analysis at your fingertips
- Can Fetch upto 10000000 Tweets.
- Gives a detailed Trend Analysis of the tweets.
- Gives the most Trending Analysis to View, Retweet, links and Comments Engagement of the fetched tweets.
- Gives a seperate Analysis of Whales account Engagement.
- Calculating Moving Averages(7/14/30/60)days on the Engagement so that you can get better understanding of the trend.
- Shows Percentage Change of like, share, comment, views, retweets, tweets engagement in 5 interval different intervals.
- Show a detail information of a perticular crypto project such as market detail, Tokonomics, Score Board, Token ICO Details and manymore.
- Manymore Features you will not regrate trying it.
Check out the live demo:
- Clone or download this repository to your local machine.
- Install all the libraries mentioned in the requirements.txt file with the command
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- Open your terminal/command prompt from your project directory and run the file
by executing the commandstreamlit run
. - You will be automatically redirected the your localhost in brower where you can see you WebApp in live.
If you are targeting a large amount of tweets (ex: 50000 Tweets) I recommend you to do the following steps:
- Open your terminal/command prompt from your project directory and run the file
by executing the commandpython
. - enter your query, from date you want to collect the tweets, to date you want ot collect the tweets till, and the tweets limit.
- Let the Script to run
- When the scripts says Tweets Collection Completed
- You can see the output folder you will get your all tweets infomation in csv files.
- Open your terminal/command prompt from your project directory and run the file
by executing the commandstreamlit run
. - Upload the file to the web app and see magic.