Dedicated to my projects in Linux for course Linux and Networks at Metropolia
Scripts can be executed directly (ie. by running ./
Script that clears the screen, greets the user by his/her login name, and prints the current date. The greeting changes depending on time (ie. Good morning if time is 8-12, Good afternoon is time is 12-16 etc.).
A script that gives a menu for the user where different commands can be run. Commands are include: long file listing of the current working directory, checking how long the system has been on, how much memory is being used and how much is free, disk space usage (whole system), and disk space usage (current working directory).
A script that calculates sums of numbers from 1 through x. Ie. 1 to 5 would be 1+2+3+4+5. User can give the x value as an argument from the command line.
Script that lists, one at a time, all files larger than 1MB under the current working directory. Script should give user option to delete, compress, or skip the file and then show next file. All the deleted files and the time when the delete happened should be listed to a logfile.