Use VIM as SAS IDE on MS/Windows
Why vim-sas, instead of native SAS IDE?
Because we can.
Why vim-sas, instead of Emacs/ESS?
Please do not make it a war. I love ESS but just fail to get it work on Windows.
*No, I can not afford a copy of SAS on NIX
Yes, I still vote for ESS-R.
Why vim-sas, instead of EricGebhart/SAS-Vim?
EricGebhart/SAS-Vim is a great inspiration and syntax/indent files are borrowed from it.
But EricGebhart/SAS-Vim itself is a little bit ad-hoc, not very VIM-ish and missing features like quickfix.
- Prerequisites: Python3
- Get the codes, e.g. using pathogen.vim.
cd ~/.vim/bundle
git clone
- Install utility scripts into
mklink "C:\Windows\" "%CD%\bin\"
mklink "C:\Windows\" "%CD%\bin\"
- Configure path to
let g:SASExe="\"C:\\Program Files\\SASHome\\SASFoundation\\9.3\\sas.exe\""
- My own additional configurations.
let g:SASOptions="-CONFIG \"C:\\Program Files\\SASHome\\SASFoundation\\9.3\\nls\\en\\sasv9.cfg\" -nosource -nosource2 -nocpuid -noechoauto -nomprint -noovp -noprintmsglist -nosymbolgen -nonotes -nocenter"
augroup filetype
autocmd BufRead *.sas map <F10> :make<CR>
autocmd BufRead *.sas map lst :call SASLstToggle()<CR>
autocmd BufRead *.sas map log :call SASLogToggle()<CR>
augroup END
- There is always a SAS dialog window flashing by so fast that I have no idea.
- Window spliting/resize is still a bit messy.
- I have no plan to parse warning/note messages in SAS log file.