Use this boilerplate to get started creating your next Lambda function with Node.js
Install nvm if you don't already have it installed.
curl -o- | bash
Install Node (v8.10).
nvm install 8.10
nvm use 8.10
Clone the boilerplate and rename the repository.
git clone
cp -r aws-lambda-boilerplate your-lambda-name
cd your-lambda-name
rm -rf .git
Install yarn if you don't already have it installed ( Then, install the dependencies
yarn install
Run serverless invoke local
to run a lambda function locally on your machine. In order to use serverless in the command
lines, you will need to use npm to install servleress globaly.
npm install -g serverless
Then, to run the test handler function:
serverless invoke local --function test
#Deploy a Service: Use this when you have made changes to your Functions, Events or Resources in serverless.yml or you simply want to deploy all changes within your Service at the same time.
serverless deploy -v
#Deploy the Function: Use this to quickly upload and overwrite your AWS Lambda code on AWS, allowing you to develop faster.
serverless deploy function -f hello