update on V2.
-Core complete tested and publish
-Capture fase tested but need clean code -no publish soon publish draft but work code.
-Publish printed tested item (remaining to re-print modded rpi case with camera because make some issue on disign)
draft final desing are:
-color output
-scan no need dark room
-lan connection need only for take object
-use rpi with camera board
-2 laserline scan 120° module
-use simple and low cost 28BYJ-48 with ULN2003
Is a headless 3d scanner full automated with RPI and with low cost items. Is based from http://www.sjbaker.org/wiki/index.php?title=A_Simple_3D_Scanner.
Why i create/modify it? I want use my RPi as 3d plattaform, printing and scanning, meanwile i waiting my 3d printer (www.Makibox.com) i try to create something for it.
wiki for more information: https://github.com/exilaus/Shapextractor/wiki
Gallery : https://plus.google.com/photos/114285476102201750422/albums/5868629874379483185 or https://picasaweb.google.com/114285476102201750422/ShapExtractorFromMakiclubItalyRpi3dLaserScan?authuser=0&feat=directlink
Some online test result: http://exilaus.byethost15.com/
Model share only printed and tested item in V2 : http://sketchup.google.com/3dwarehouse/details?mid=ef682e116c511065eee8499fa420acaa
Special thanks to:
Antonio Orlando (it make a name)
Kariloy Markief (wiki assistant and for future porting on arduino)
Henrik Peiss
Sjbaker (for original code)
Tbuser (spinscan code)
Raspberry PI
Makibox/Makible team!!!!