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Development site for

Multi-Etch is created with the static site generator Hugo using the Hyas child theme forked into this repo. The original Hyas child theme readme is located at


Node v16.x (currently LTS) must be installed. The project installs Hugo itself, so Node is all you need to install manually.

Quick-start for editing and adding content

  1. Clone the repo and enter the directory.
  2. npm install to get Hugo and other dependencies set up.
  3. npm start to begin serving the website. Once it spins up, you can load the site in your web browser at http://localhost:1313/
  4. All pages and posts are located in the content directory, which represents the root of the website -- i.e. content/about/ will appear on the website at, content/about/team/ will appear at, etc.
  5. Page content is written in Markdown, which takes a small amount of learning but then is much easier to write than HTML. Each file begins with front matter that establishes things like the page's title.
  6. As you edit pages, the website in your browser will automatically reload.
  7. To add an image to a page, put the image in the same folder as the page and then reference the image in Markdown. For instance, to add an image called image.jpg to the page content/contact, save the image as content/contact/image.jpg and then in the content/contact/ file write: ![image alt text](image.jpg)
  8. To create a new page, run npm create new followed by the web path and / For instance, to create a page at, run npm create new safety/ To create the same page below the existing /about/ page, run npm create new about/safety/
  9. When finished, commit your changes and push the repo. GitHub Actions will automatically rebuild the site.

See local development for details.


Apart from the general design of the website, there are several built-in features to note:

Image minification and modern format generation (in development)

Images will be automatically minified and transformed into modern formats like WebP and AVIF for browsers that support them. Save your images as normal in JPEG, PNG or GIF format and the site will do the rest.

Content filters

These filters act automatically on all content (title and page body):

  • All instances of "Multi-Etch" in are replaced with a version that includes the ® character, and won't break on the hyphen when wrapping. See the wordmark parameter in params.toml and the wordmark.html function.
  • Fractions written in long form, like "1/2" are replaced with HTML entities like "½" when possible, and if not then formatted to look similar.

Local development

This theme requires Node to run, and has been tested with Node 16.x. It does not appear to work with Yarn.

Local installation

  • git clone the repo
  • npm install

The latest version of Hugo "extended" is installed as part of npm install, so you don't need to install it separately. (If it's already installed on your machine, this project will nonetheless use its own version.)

Viewing the development site locally

  • npm start (or npm run start)

Serves the site with LiveReload, accessible in the browser at http://localhost:1313/

Because the theme makes use of Hugo's .Scratch function, fastRender is turned off.

By default, the site is served in development mode:

  • Drafts are shown
  • Future-scheduled posts are shown
  • Asset fingerprinting, CDNs and third-party embedded apps like commenting are disabled

Alternatively, use npm run build:preview to see the site exactly as it will appear on the web:

  • Drafts are not shown
  • Future-scheduled posts are not shown
  • Asset fingerprinting, CDNs and third-party embedded apps like commenting are enabled (though note third-party systems like commenting may not work locally)

Editing existing pages and adding new ones

Pages in Hugo are contained in the content directory, which maps to the root of the website domain.

We use Hugo Page Bundles, so a page and its assets (most commonly images) are contained in the same directory.

To create a new page, run:

npm run create [web-path]

For example, npm run create about/team/ will create a file at content/about/team/ and visible on the web at

If a page has no children, its content file is; e.g. the about/team page's content file is located at content/about/team/

If the page has children of its own, then its content file is (note leading underscore), e.g. the about page's content file is located at content/about/

Because we use Page Bundles, we must use the format rather than the format; unfortunately it requires a little extra typing in the command.

Etch rates pages

Etch rate pages contain responsive data tables, which have a spreadsheet look on wider-screen devices and a grouped-list look on narrower-screen devices, as well as being fully navigable by keyboard and assistive devices. This responsive transformation of the data tables are the primary reason this information isn't simply pasted in as Markdown.

Editing existing etch rates: The content of the tables on etch rate pages lives in the data/etch-rates.yaml file (see below for details). The subdirectories in content/etch-rates/ contain the introductory text and featured images for each page.

Adding a new etch rate page: npm run create:rate [metal] will create a stub directory in content/etch-rates/[metal] using the name of the metal you supply, set to draft by default. Use this Markdown file to set the introductory text, and save the featured image in the images subdirectory. Add the necessary data to the data/etch-rates.yaml file (see below), and once you're satisfied with the result, change the draft status on the Markdown file to false to publish the page. Menu listings will automatically be updated.

Etch rate data

We use Hugo's data templates system to store the content of the etch rate tables in the file data/etch-rates.yaml.

This file is in YAML format. For each metal there are five types of rate tables available (defined in the layouts/partials/data/ directory): preparing, removing_color, etching, drill_bits and custom. Each metal can use one or all of the types of tables.

General table settings:

  • The top-level alloy field allows you to further describe the metal. For instance, aluminum has the field set to "3003" and so every table for this metal will be titled using "aluminum (3003)" rather than simply "aluminum".
  • The note field in each table displays a message at the top of the table, prepended with Note: . This field can include Markdown.
  • The subtype groups the types of metal, such as grades. The first child of this field, label, defines what the "subtype" actually is. The subsequent fields within subtype after label are the individual types, e.g. "1 (CP)", "2 (CP)", etc. for a subtype of grade. If you don't want any subtype grouping, set an empty label (label: '') and use "none" for the name of the type.
  • The items beneath each individual subtype are the data columns, grouped into process, time, depth and surface depending on the needs of the table.
  • time_suffix and depth_suffix are available to selectively display information such as "minutes" for time or "inches" for depth.

Editing existing data in the table should be straightforward. If you add a new metal to the data table, you'll then need to create an etch rate page for it (see above) to set its display image and introductory text.


This table contains an optional top-level label field allowing you to describe the type of preparation (e.g. "for anodizing or welding") in the title of the table.

key preparing
visible title "Preparing [metal] [label] using Multi-Etch"
columns available process, time, surface

Removing color

key removing_color
visible title "Removing color from [metal] using Multi-Etch"
columns available process, time, surface


key etching
visible title "Etch rates for [metal] using Multi-Etch"
columns available process (grouped), time, depth, surface

Drill bits

key drill_bits
visible title "How to remove drill bits from [metal] using Multi-Etch"
columns available process (grouped), time, surface


Custom tables (key: custom) are the most flexible and have no defined title or columns. The label field defines the title of the table. Like other table types, they can have a note displayed at the top. The position field is required and will place the custom table either at the top (before any other tables) or bottom (after any other tables).

Columns are defined using key:value maps. You can define any number of columns. For instance:

  - 0: 'Process'
  - 1: 'Etch time (minutes)'
  - 2: 'Etch depth (inches)'
  - 3: 'Surface change'

Items are then defined in the same way and using the same order of the columns. Note the double hyphen/indentation indicating the start of each new item:

  - - 0: '135°F single strength'
    - 1: 1
    - 2: 0.00005
    - 3: 'no change'
  - - 0: '135°F double strength'
    - 1: 1
    - 2: 0.0025
    - 3: 'polish will turn slightly matte'

Editing site variables

  • config/_default/config.toml: main configuration and Hugo setup
  • config/_default/params.toml: site information and Hyas theme options
  • config/_default/markup.toml: Markdown rendering options
  • config/_default/menus.toml: navigation menus

Editing the theme

CSS (Sass) and Javascript files are located in the assets directory. The app.* files load the other partial files into one object, so be sure to update them if adding new files.

Customizing the Hugo theme layer is done by overriding theme files. Consult the main Hyas theme to see what theme files exist (and therefore can be overridden) and their initial contents.

Add notes at the top of any overridden files using Go template comments ({{/* */}}) to note what has been changed -- this vastly eases integrating new changes to the overridden files from upstream, which unfortunately has to be done manually.

Generating the site for production

npm run build

This will generate the Hugo site in public with minification turned on.

Note that public is excluded from the repo in .gitignore, so this command should be run from a GitHub Action or other CI to build the site.

To build a version optimized for GitHub Pages, run:

npm run build:gh-pages

If you want to build a flat version of the development site, with drafts and future-scheduled posts included and minification disabled, use:

npm run build:preview

Updating dependencies


Hugo extended is installed via hugo-bin. To update to the newest version, run npm install.

Node modules

  • npm outdated, then:
    • npm upgrade [package] to upgrade to the newest version satisfied by the version range in package.json
    • npm upgrade [package@version] to upgrade to a specific version, disregarding package.json
    • npm upgrade [package@latest] to upgrade to the newest version, disregarding package.json


Hyas is licensed under the "MIT" (Expat) license.

Code portions specific to this fork, including HTML, Sass/CSS, Javascript, and Go templates, as well as any Bash scripts, are licensed AGPLv3. See LICENSE-code.

Content of web pages, including text in hugo/content and its subdirectories, and images/logos in the hugo/content and hugo/static directories and their subdirectories, are © All Rights Reserved by Multi-Etch, LLC, or their respective copyright-holders as noted. See LICENSE-content.

"Multi-Etch" is a registered trademark of Exotica Jewelry, Inc.


Development site for



AGPL-3.0, Unknown licenses found

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