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Scatter Plot Matrix Sonification


This project requires openFrameworks 0.9

Download that and open a terminal at the top level folder.

You will need the ofxDatGui and ofxJSON addons:

cd addons
git clone
git clone

Then clone this repository into the apps/myApps directory of your openFrameworks copy:

cd apps/myApps
git clone

Then open the xcodeproj in apps/myApps/PlaySPLOM

Build and run that (target: PlaySPLOM, debug)


Currently this runs on OS X 10.10+

We will target:

  • OS X 10.7+ (same as openFrameworks)
  • Windows


SuperCollider scsynth for OS X is included as well as all plugins it needs.

It is started as a separate process, isolated from any other SuperCollider you might have installed on your computer.

It is copied into the folder.

The other platforms will be included and supported later.

Compiling SynthDefs

The SynthDefs are already compiled and included here, but if you want to write new ones then you need to compile those.

supercollider.js includes a tool for compiling SuperCollider files and compiling the SynthDefs including a JSON dump of all meta data for those.

The meta data file is used by PlaySPLOM to populate the menu and for it to know what arguments to send for each SynthDef.

Install supercollider.js:

npm install -g supercolliderjs

Then compile-synthdefs

compile-synthdefs synthdefs/*.scd data/supercollider/synthdefs/