A simple, lightning-fast and scalable I2C-based implementation of the HD44780U 1602 LCD with I2C interface in C using the Raspberry Pi Pico SDK.
- Very efficient
- Used the datasheet to provide minimal sleep times. On average, the display needs to sleep 160 microseconds for each command
- Sends only the minimum amount of bytes necessary.
- Can be used to control multiple HD44780U 1602 LCDs.
- Just create an LCD object and use its address for each call.
- For example
lcd_char(&lcd_1, 'a'); lcd_char(&lcd_2, 'b');
- Heavily documented code.
- Made sure to reference pages in the original datasheet.
- Explained functions, variables and protocol. (Had to reverse engineer popular libraries, literally no documentation is provided for the I2C interface)
The minimal way of adding this module to your CMake project is by downloading the lcd1602_i2c.c
and lcd1602_i2c.h
and placing them in the same folder as your main source.
From there, you have to add the files inside add_executable
. For example:
DO NOT FORGET to include hardware_i2c
in your target_link_libraries
target_link_libraries(my_project hardware_i2c pico_stdlib)
Check example.c for a complete showcase. Minimal example here:
#include "lcd1602_i2c.h"
int main() {
/* Init my modules */
LCD my_lcd;
lcd_init(&my_lcd, 0x27, 4, 5, i2c0); // Check the pins on your Pico
char message[] = "Thanks extremq";
lcd_string(&my_lcd, message);