Agile Software Course Homework (Cevik Yazilim Dersin Odevi) : Java agile software project - Blog Site
Server Side:
Spring 4.1.0.RELEASE
Spring Security 4.0.2.RELEASE
Spring JDBC 4.1.0.RELEASE
Mysql Connector Java 5.1.16
Sitemesh 2.4.2
JUnit 4.11
Jstl 1.2
log4j 1.2.16 -Spring Security Test 4.0.0.RC2
Maven 2.3.2
MySQL 5.6.24
Apache Tomcat 9.0
Java 1.7
Client Side:
- Bootstrap 3.3.6
- jQuery 2.2.0
- Summernote 0.8.2
- Eclipse neon.1a Release (4.6.1)
Import Database:
- Import (in src/main/resources/db) blogdb.sql in MySQL
Edit Config:
- Glance root-context.xml and edit 'database connection string' statement according to your mysql -port (my port:3306) -username (my username:root) -password (my password:)
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