This project's objective is to program a model checking software that verifies the validity of a CTL formula on the initial state of a finite automaton.
On Linux javac -d classes ./src/checker/*.java ./src/ctl/*.java ./src/ctl/ctlformula/*.java ./src/dot/*.java
On Windows javac -d classes .\src\checker\*.java .\src\ctl\*.java .\src\ctl\ctlformula\*.java .\src\dot\*.java
java -cp classes checker.CTLChecker ctlexample.txt
When using E,A,U, etc.
It is important to enclose the immediate expressions following these operators with parentheses.
For formulas like E true U false, it should be written as E(true) U (false). This adjustment ensures that each part of the expression is correctly interpreted by the parser.