title patriq Design System
Person(user, "User", "The user that want to handle your financial life.")
System_Ext(openFinance, "Open Finance API", "The open API from the Open Banking iniciative in Brasil")
Enterprise_Boundary(b0, "patriq Software System") {
System(mobileApp, "Mobile App", "The mobile App for the user experience.")
System(gatewayApi, "Gateway API", "Responsible for render and interpret the content for the front-end.")
System(ledgerApi, "Ledger API", "Handles with the User Accounts, Account Types, Financial Institutions, and Transactions.")
System(userApi, "User API", "Handles with the User information and sessions.")
System(bankImporterApi, "Bank Importer API", "API to get information from banking extract files.")
SystemDb(ledgerDb, "Ledger DB", "A relational database to store FinancialInstitution, Account, AccountType, and Transaction")
SystemDb(userDb, "User DB", "A relational database to store Users.")
SystemDb(userS3, "User S3", "An S3 for users Blob files.")
Rel(userApi, userDb, "CRUD users")
Rel(userApi, userS3, "CRUD users' pictures")
Rel(bankImporterApi, ledgerApi, "post(transactions)")
Rel(ledgerApi, ledgerDb, "CRUD ledger")
Rel(user, mobileApp, "Register and login user, set accounts, bankings, and transactions, extracts, projects")
BiRel(mobileApp, gatewayApi, "render product side information.")
Rel(gatewayApi, ledgerApi, "post(accounts), post(financial-institutions), post(transactions), get(extracts), get(financial-institutions)")
Rel(gatewayApi, userApi, "post(users), post(sessions), post(picture), get(users)")
Rel(ledgerApi, openFinance, "Get transactions")
curl -v POST localhost:8080/triggers -d '
: the type used for debit extractinvoice
: the type used for credit card extract
class AccountType {
class Account {
ID uuid.UUID
Name string
SourceName string
CreatedAt time.Time
class AccountTag {
ID uuid.UUID
Name string
class Transaction {
ID uuid.UUID
Date time.Time
Amount float32
class FinancialInstitution {
ID uuid.UUID
AccountNumber string
class User {
ID uuid.UUID
Name string
Email string
CreatedAt time.Time
Account "0..*" --> "1" AccountType: Type
Account "0..*" --> "1" User: UserID
Account "0..*" --> "1" AccountTag: AccountID
Transaction "0..*" --> "1" Account: SourceID
Transaction "0..*" --> "1" Account: TargetID
FinancialInstitution "1" o--> "1..*" Account: TagID
AccountTag "0..*" --> "1" User: UserID
FinancialInstitution "0..*" --> "1..*" User: UserID
curl -v POST localhost:8080/transactions -d '