This is a project only for challenge purpouses. Do not copy/paste it!
apt-get update
apt-get install nodejs
apt-get update
apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli
For more information:
docker pull mongo
docker run --name mongodb -d -p 27017:27017 mongo --noauth --bind_ip=
docker start mongodb
MongoDB must be running and listening at localhost:27017
npm install
npm start
Right after the server started just open a browser tab and type the follow address:
Click on the 'start chat' link and you will be asked for authentication proccess.
For login into the system use one of credentials bellow:
Username: user1
Password: 123
Username: user2
Password: 321
Both users will be inserted into database after first time use of the app.
To use the bot services you will need send a message with the '/' as first character.
List of all commands avaliable for bot interaction:
{CODE} is the stock market share code like: AMZN.US or AAPL.US
The bot will write the value of the stock market share after reading this information from an external tool. All bot responses will not be storage in the database.
NoSQL Database to store users and messages running in a docker for easy cloud deploy
Framework to provide web structure to create a web-chat
Socket.IO provide and fast and real-time bi-directional for chat communications
Passport for authentication and BCrypt for hash encryption of user's password
Use only for challenges purpouses.