released this
24 Mar 20:10
v0.9.1 (2023-03-24)
Explicit E2E_BROWSER on E2E runs (#4179 ) Gerard Rovira
Fix tables Webkit e2e (#4175 ) Gerard Rovira
Remove unused convertToMarkdown file (#4169 ) themagickoala
Improve markdown transformers (#3886 ) Godefroy
Iterate through the live NodeList instead of copying to an array in $generateNodesFromDOM (#4164 ) Acy Watson
Bump Excalidraw to v0.14.2 (#4153 ) Ivaylo Pavlov
Fix table stealing selectionchange (#4162 ) Gerard Rovira
Improve Documentation #2845 - lexical/selection (#4140 ) Harry Sanders
UX: Floating link editor: better positioning (#4158 ) Alessio Gravili
DecoratorNode not disabling placeholder at root (#4147 ) Harry Sanders
Color picker - fixes #4127 (#4146 ) Harry Sanders
Validate against infinite loop in ListItemNode.setIndent (#4120 ) Acy Watson
Paste merged celled table (#4116 ) Gerard Rovira
Add md import/export tests, fix numbered lists pasting (#4123 ) Maksim Horbachevsky
Bump webpack from 5.75.0 to 5.76.0 (#4128 ) dependabot[bot]
fix: drag-over event on windows (#4125 ) 子瞻 Luci
Remove link preview (#4122 ) John Flockton
Add a function to create a LinkMatcher based on a RegExp (#3972 ) Karibash
Revise padding for smaller res (#4112 ) Gerard Rovira
Catch failures in parseEditorState (#4109 ) Acy Watson
Improve Documentation #2845 - lexical/list (#4107 ) Harry Sanders
Fix tables Collab E2E (#4117 ) Gerard Rovira
Fix ShadowRoot + X insertNode (#4115 ) Gerard Rovira
Overflow of logos of action items in Lexical Playground (#4096 ) 7gaurab_khanal
Remove columns w/ span support (#4093 ) Gerard Rovira
Remove rows w/ span support (#4078 ) Gerard Rovira
Table insert column w/ span support (#4074 ) Gerard Rovira
Table insert row w/ span support (#4063 ) Gerard Rovira
Use broader return types in HorizontalRuleNode
(#4097 ) Chris Montrois
Add focus tag to editor.focus (#4092 ) Dragoș Străinu
Improve Documentation #2845 - lexical/utils (#4047 ) Harry Sanders
Fix toolbars that shouldn't appear in certain cases (#4077 ) Warren19
Fixed reference to old addUpdateListener
method in transforms doc (#4094 ) Kevin Ansfield
Pass tags to onChange for LexicalOnChangePlugin (#4091 ) Dragoș Străinu
Fix tables E2E (#4090 ) John Flockton
Change default indent to 40px (#4025 ) EgonBolton
Update CODEOWNERS (#4089 ) John Flockton
Updated InsertTableDialog UX (#4082 ) Brandon
Export getNearestEditorFromDOMNode (#4079 ) Gerard Rovira
Fix unresponsive resize handle in Safari (#4081 ) Brandon
Sticky toolbar to assist in editing large content (#4076 ) Brandon
Fix table RangeSelection test (#4061 ) Gerard Rovira
Trim table e2e assert (#4060 ) Gerard Rovira
You can’t perform that action at this time.