Releases: facontidavide/PlotJuggler
Releases · facontidavide/PlotJuggler
ULogs in PlotJuggler
I am please to annouce that finally PlotJuggler supports ULogs.
Drone lovers, give it a try!
Less annoying legends
New and noteworthy
- Move legends to the left/right side or hide them.
- Save all the plots to image file at once (in a give folder)
Stable release: PlotJuggler 2.1.1
This is finally THE version of PlotJuggler you were looking for:
-) Custom functions and transforms.
-) Good integration with RViz.
-) So much more I can't even remember...
PlotJuggler 2.0: custom plots and new look
I am pleased to announce the version 2.0 of PlotJuggler, the "timeseries visualization tool that does it better"™.
The most notable new feature is the ability to create custom timeseries and transforms.
We also refreshed the look of the app with a custom stylesheet and new icons.
PlotJuggler 2.0: release candidate 1
2.0_rc_1 fix slider stylesheet
PlotJuggler 2.0: beta_2
2.0_beta_2 Merge branch 'master' of
Improvements since alpha 2
- Added the ability to save/load the entire set of snippets/transforms in the layout file.
- few bug fixed here and there
Known bugs/limitation
- Still some bugs in the streaming part, in particular in terms of X range.
Improvements since alpha_2
- Few bugs fixed in a AddCustomPlotDialog.
Known issues
- Load custom transform from layout not ready for prime time
Improvements since alpha_1
- Catch exception if something failed while creating a CustomTimeseries from transform selector dialog.
- Don't show in the custom curve selector the invalid transforms.
Known issues
- Load custom transform from layout not ready for prime time
- Need to check ALL exceptions when creating a custom timeseries.
Known issues (no need to reports them):
All of these issues are related to custom functions.
- Loading a layout will not work if the right snippet.xml wasn't previously loaded.
- Some custom function might not work properly (need to check first).
- Exceptions for erroneous functions not addressed.