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Treatment effect estimation using outcomes from ML-based assignment.


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Machine Learning is Natural Experiment

Overview | Installation | Usage | Acknowledgements | Documentation

Table of Contents


ML as a Data Production Service

Today’s society increasingly resorts to machine learning (“AI”) and other algorithms for decision-making and resource allocation. For example, judges make legal judgements using predictions from supervised machine learning (descriptive regression). Supervised learning is also used by governments to detect potential criminals and terrorists, and financial companies (such as banks and insurance companies) to screen potential customers. Tech companies like Facebook, Microsoft, and Netflix allocate digital content by reinforcement learning and bandit algorithms. Uber and other ride sharing services adjust prices using their surge pricing algorithms to take into account local demand and supply information. Retailers and e-commerce platforms like Amazon engage in algorithmic pricing. Similar algorithms are invading into more and more high-stakes treatment assignment, such as education, health, and military.

All of the above, seemingly diverse examples share a common trait: An algorithm makes decisions based only on observable input variables the data-generating algorithm uses. Conditional on the observable variables, therefore, algorithmic treatment decisions are (quasi-)randomly assigned. This property makes algorithm-based treatment decisions an instrumental variable we can use for measuring the causal effect of the final treatment assignment. The algorithm-based instrument may produce regression-discontinuity-style local variation (e.g. machine judges), stratified randomization (e.g. several bandit and reinforcement leaning algorithms), or mixes of the two. Narita and Yata 2021 introduces the formal framework and characterizes the sources of causal effect identification.[1]


On a high level, the Approximate Propensity Score method works by exploiting the fact that all inputs into a machine learning model are observable to the researcher, and thus controlling for these inputs allows one to make use of the feature space in which machine learning algorithms are effectively stochastic -- there is random assignment between two (or more) possible discrete outputs. For algorithm-based treatment decisions, we know that the algorithm output strongly affects the ultimate treatment decision (either because the algorithm is the treatment decision, or a final arbiter relies on the algorithm output to make the final assignment). Thus in theory, we should be able to use the output predictions of algorithms which mediate any treatment decision regime to estimate the causal effects of the treatments.

Below is the basic setup to the framework.

Below are the assumptions on the characteristics of the algorithm for this method to apply.

The Approximate Propensity Score (APS) is an object that captures all the experimental information for an algorithm. The 2nd image below illustrates an example of this for an algorithm that takes 2-D inputs and produces output predictions between 0 and 1. As highlighted, APS helps to identify the sources of causal effects generated by the algorithm -- the subsets of the support space for which the algorithm's recommendation is non-deterministic.

Narita and Yata 2021 proposes an instrumental variables approach to causal effect estimation. In particular, a 2SLS regression framework instrumenting treatment assignment with the algorithmic recommendation, controlling for estimated APS.

For more detail on the theoretical framework, please refer to the paper "Algorithm is Experiment" (Narita and Yata, forthcoming) or the method page in the documentation.[1]

IVaps Package

The IVaps package is an implementation of the treatment effect estimation method and paper described above. This package provides functions for the two primary estimation steps -- APS estimation and treatment effect estimation -- and is ML framework-agnostic.

Supported ML Frameworks

The APS estimation function for trained models estimate_aps_onnx only accepts models in the ONNX framework in order to maintain the framework-agnostic implementation. The module provides a convert_to_onnx function that currently supports conversion from the following frameworks:

For conversion functions for other frameworks, please refer to the onnxmltools repository. Please note that convert_to_onnx requires that the relevant framework packages are installed.


This package is still in its development phase, but you can compile the package from source

git clone
cd IVaps
pip install .

To install in development mode

git clone
cd IVaps
pip install -e ./

The installation will automatically detect whether there is a compatible GPU device on the system and install either onnxruntime or onnxruntime-gpu. Please note that the default onnxruntime GPU build requires CUDA runtime libraries being installed on the system. Please see the onnxruntime repository for more details regarding the GPU build.


Installation requires Python version >=3.5 and <3.8, in order to be compatible with the latest version of onnxruntime. The statsmodels package serves as the backbone of the estimation procedure. CPU and GPU inference using onnxruntime require certain system requirements depending on the OS, which you can read more about in the onnxruntime repository.


Below is a general example of how to use the modules in this package to estimate LATE, given a converted ONNX model and historical treatment data.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import onnxruntime as rt
from IVaps import estimate_aps_onnx
from IVaps import estimate_treatment_effect

# Read in data
data = pd.read_csv("path_to_your_historical_data.csv")

# Estimate APS with 100 draws and ball radius 0.8
aps = estimate_aps_onnx(X_c = data[["names", "of", "continuous", "variables"]], X_d = data[["names", "of", "discrete", "variables"]], S=100, delta=0.8, ML_onnx="path_to_onnx_model.onnx")

# Fit 2SLS Estimation model
model = estimate_treatment_effect(Y = data["outcome"], Z = data["treatment_recommendation"], D = data["treatment_assignment"], aps = aps)

# Prints estimation results
print(model) # Print summary of second stage results
print(model.first_stage) # Print summary of first stage results
print(model.first_stage.individual['D']) # Another view of first stage results

model.params # Array of second-stage estimated coefficients
model.cov # Variance covariance matrix

In general the IVaps method has two main estimation steps: APS estimation and IV estimation.

APS Estimation

The main APS estimation functions are estimate_aps_onnx, and estimate_aps_user_defined, each serving different algorithmic use-cases. estimate_aps_onnx serves the case when an ONNX model with an optional post-prediction decision function produces the treatment recommendation. estimate_aps_user_defined serves the case when the user has a custom function that takes an array of ML inputs and outputs treatment recommendations. APS estimation requires at minimum that we have X_c a collection of continuous variable data, S the number of draws per estimate, and delta the radius of the ball. As will be demonstrated below, however, there are a number of different ways that users can pass in data for estimation. Please refer to the documentation for the full list of keyword parameters and their default values.

Note: data, X_c, and X_d should never have any overlapping columns. This is impossible to check in the code, so best practice is to use either data and index inputs C and D or X_c and X_d separately.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from IVaps import estimate_aps_onnx

S = 100
delta = 0.8
seed = 1 # `seed` sets np.random.seed
ml_path = "path_to_your_onnx_model.onnx"
data = pd.read_csv("path_to_your_historical_data.csv")

### The below function calls will all output the same results
aps0 = estimate_aps_onnx(ml_path, X_c = data[['continuous', 'variables']], X_d = data[['discrete', 'variables']], S = 100, delta = 0.8, seed = seed)
aps1 = estimate_aps_onnx(ml_path, data = data, C = indices_of_cts_vars, D = indices_of_discrete_vars, S = 100, delta = 0.8, seed = seed)

# The function infers data greedily, so that whatever variables are not explicitly passed will be inferred from the remaining data
aps2 = estimate_aps_onnx(ml_path, data = data[['continuous', 'vars']], X_d = data[['discrete', 'vars']], S = 100, delta = 0.8, seed = seed) # Assumes all of `data` is continuous
aps3 = estimate_aps_onnx(ml_path, data = data[['discrete', 'vars']], X_c = data[['continuous', 'vars']], S = 100, delta = 0.8, seed = seed) # Assumes all of `data` is discrete
aps4 = estimate_aps_onnx(ml_path, data = data[['cts', 'and', 'discrete', 'vars']], C = indices_of_cts_vars, S = 100, delta = 0.8, seed = seed) # Assumes remaining columns of `data` are discrete
aps5 = estimate_aps_onnx(ml_path, data = data[['cts', 'and', 'discrete', 'vars']], D = indices_of_discrete_vars, S = 100, delta = 0.8, seed = seed) # Assumes remaining columns of `data` are continuous

assert aps0 == aps1 == aps2 == aps3 == aps4 == aps5

# If only the data object is passed, then all variables will be assumed to be continuous
aps = estimate_aps_onnx(ml_path, data = data[['all', 'continuous', 'variables']], S = 100, delta = 0.8,)

# We can specify np types for coercion if the ONNX model expects different types
aps = estimate_aps_onnx(ml_path, data = data, S = 100, delta = 0.8, types=(np.float64,))

# If the ONNX model takes separate continuous and discrete inputs, then we need to specify the input type and input names
aps = estimate_aps_onnx(ml_path, data = data, S = 100, delta = 0.8, input_type=2, input_names=("c_inputs", "d_inputs"))

### APS estimation with passing ML outputs into a decision function

# We can pass the base function `round` directly into the aps estimation, which will vectorize the function for us and round the ML outputs
aps = estimate_aps_onnx(ml_path, data = data, S = 100, delta = 0.8, fcn = round)

# Additional keyword argument will be passed directly into the decision function
aps = estimate_aps_onnx(ml_path, data = data, S = 100, delta = 0.8, fcn = round, digits=5)

# We can also pass a vectorized function with the flag `vectorized`
aps = estimate_aps_onnx(ml_path, data = data, S = 100, delta = 0.8, fcn = np.round, vectorized=True)

### APS estimation with a user-defined function
from IVaps import estimate_aps_user_defined

model = pickle.load(open("path_to_your_model.pickle", 'rb'))

# Basic decision function: assign treatment if prediction > c
def assign_cutoff(X, c):
    return (X > c).astype("int")

# User-defined function to assign treatment recommendation
def ml_round(X, **kwargs):
    preds = model.predict_proba(X)
    treat = assign_cutoff(preds, **kwargs)
    return treat

aps = estimate_aps_user_defined(data = data, ml = ml_round, c = 0.5)

# We can parallelize APS computation with a user defined function -- see documentation for more details
aps = estimate_aps_user_defined(data = data, ml = ml_round, c = 0.5, parallel = True)

Mixed Variables and Missing Values Treatment

APS estimation is also equipped to handle mixed variables (variables that have both a discrete and continuous part), and will treat mixed variables as a subset of the continuous variables. The user will need to pass a dictionary L, where the keys are the indices of X_c that are mixed, and the values are sets of the discrete values each variable takes on. During estimation, if an observation of a continuous variable equals any of its discrete parts, then it will be treated as a discrete variable for that observation. Similarly, if the function encounters an observation of a missing value, then the variable will be assumed to be discrete for that sample observation.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from IVaps import estimate_aps_onnx

data_with_missing = pd.read_csv("path_to_your_historical_data_with_missing.csv")
ml_path = "path_to_your_onnx_model.onnx"

# Create mixed variables dictionary
L = {0: {0}, 3: {5, 10}} # This indicates that the 0th and 3rd index continuous variables are mixed variables with the passed discrete parts

# APS estimation
aps = estimate_aps_onnx(ml_path, data = data_with_missing, L = L)

Pandas Compatibility

Sometimes the custom user function may require a pandas dataframe as an input and be column-order or column-name sensitive. Below are examples of how to pass these options into APS estimation.

import pandas as import pd
from IVaps import estimate_aps_user_defined

data = pd.read_csv("path_to_your_historical_data.csv")

# If the custom function expects pandas data, we need to set the `pandas` flag and optionally assign column names
aps = estimate_aps_user_defined(data = data, ml = pandas_dependent_function, pandas = True, pandas_cols = ['list', 'of', 'column', 'names'])

# We can also have the inputs maintain the original order that we passed them in
aps = estimate_aps_user_defined(data = data, ml = function_that_needs_original_column_ordering, pandas = True, pandas_cols = ['list', 'of', 'column', 'names'], keep_order = True)

# We can also do a custom reordering of the columns -- the arguments `keep_order`, `reorder`, and `pandas_cols` are applied sequentially in that order
# The below example will apply the ordering using the indices passed into `reorder` onto the original column order
aps = estimate_aps_user_defined(data = data, ml = function_that_needs_new_column_ordering, pandas = True, pandas_cols = ['list', 'of', 'column', 'names'], keep_order = True, reorder = new_ordering)

# The below example will apply the reordering on the default input order, which is [continuous_variables, discrete_variables]
aps = estimate_aps_user_defined(data = data, ml = function_that_needs_new_column_ordering, pandas = True, pandas_cols = ['list', 'of', 'column', 'names'], reorder = new_ordering)

IV Estimation

Once the APS is estimated for each observation, the IV approach allows us to estimate the historical LATE. estimate_treatment_effect is our primary IV estimation function, and makes use of the IV2SLS class from the linearmodels package. As per the package, the function will return an IVResults object. Post-estimation diagnostics and statistics are accessible directly from this object. Please refer to the object documentation for a full list of accessible attributes.

Note: Similar to APS estimation, the inputs can be passed in through a combination of a data object or aps, Y, Z, and D separately, but they must not have any overlapping columns. Recommended best practice is to use either data and index inputs aps_ind, Y_ind, Z_ind and D_ind or aps, Y, Z, and D separately.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from IVaps import estimate_treatment_effect

model = estimate_treatment_effect(Y = outcome_variable, Z = treatment_recommendation, D = treatment_assignment, aps = estimated_aps, verbose = False)

# If we know that ML takes only one nondegenerate value (strictly between 0 and 1) in the sample, then the constant term will need to be removed by setting single_nondegen
model = estimate_treatment_effect(Y = outcome_variable, Z = treatment_recommendation, D = treatment_assignment, aps = estimated_aps, single_nondegen = True)

# Standard statistics
model.model_ss # residual sum of squares

# First stage statistics
fs = model.first_stage.individual['D']

Counterfactual Estimation

Counterfactual ML value estimation is provided through the estimate_counterfactual_ml function. The function fits an OLS regression of outcomes on treatment recommendation controlling for APS, then uses the estimated effect of recommendation to estimate counterfactual outcomes of a different recommendation system.

import pandas as pd
from IVaps import estimate_counterfactual_ml, estimate_aps_onnx

data = pd.read_csv("path_to_your_historical_data.csv")
ml_path = "path_to_onnx_model.onnx"
aps = estimate_aps_onnx(ml_path, data[['cts', 'vars']], data[['discrete', 'vars']])

original_ml_recs = pd.read_csv("original_ml_recs.csv")
counterfactual_ml_recs = pd.read_csv("counterfactual_ml_recs.csv")

cf_values, ols_model = estimate_counterfactual_ml(Y = data['Y'], Z = data['Z'], aps = aps, recs = original_ml_recs, cf_recs = counterfactual_ml_recs, verbose = True)

mean_counterfactual_value = cf_values.mean()

Model Conversion

The IVaps API offers an ONNX conversion function convert_to_onnx that generalizes the conversion process. The function requires a dummy input to infer the input dtype, allows for renaming of input nodes, and passes downstream any framework specific keyword arguments.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from sklearn.datasets import load_iris

iris = load_iris()
X, y =,

from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y)
clr = LogisticRegression(), y_train)

from IVaps.helpers import convert_to_onnx

X_dummy = X[0,:]
filename = "save_path_to_onnx.onnx"

convert_to_onnx(model = model, dummy_input = X_dummy, path = filename, framework = "sklearn")

# Set custom input node name and pass additional keyword arguments
convert_to_onnx(model=model, dummy_input=X_dummy, path=filename, framework="sklearn", input_names=("input",),
                target_opset=12, doc_string="Sklearn LogisticRegression model trained on iris dataset")

Further examples



Please contact Richard Liu at for details on how to contribute to this project.



This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License - see the LICENSE file for details.





  1. Narita, Yusuke and Yata, Kohei. Algorithm is Experiment (forthcoming). 2021.

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