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This repo contains my dotfiles of Arch/bspwm setup


Package Name
Window Mangaer bspwm
Status Bar Polybar
Application Launcher Rofi
Widgets Conky
Shell zsh/fish
Terminal Alacritty/Kitty
Editor Neovim
Notification Daemon Dunst
Lock Screen betterlockscreen
Hotkey Daemon sxhkd
Video Player mpv


  • Clean Arch installation (optional)

    It'll be easier for you to install the dotfiles if you use a new Arch installation.

  • bspwm

  • dotfiles package

    to install and manage dotfiles

  • yay

    to install AUR package


For Arch only

  • Clone dotfiles repo.

    git clone ~/Dotfiles
  • Move dotfilesrc to home directory. And necessary fonts to ~/.local/share/fonts

    mv ~/Dotfiles/dotfilesrc "${HOME}/.dotfilesrc""
    cp -r ~/Dotfiles/fonts/* ~/.local/share/fonts/
  • Install necessary packages.

    cat ~/Dotfiles/pkglist | yay -Syu -
  • Set zsh as default shell and install zgenom

    git clone "${HOME}/.zgenom"
    chsh -s /usr/bin/zsh
  • Install the dotfiles.

    cd ~/Dotfiles
    dotfiles -s --force
  • Make scripts executable.

    chmod +x ~/{.bin/*,.config/bspwm/bspwmrc,.config/rofi/bin/*,.config/polybar/,.config/conky/scripts/*}


Key Description
ctrl + alt + r Reload bspwm
super + esc Reload keybindings
super App launcher
super + x Powermenu
super + c Close active window
super +[workspace number] Switch to workspace
ctrl + shift + [workspace number] Move active window to specific workspace
super + return Kitty
super + shift + return Alacritty
Print Copy a full screenshot
shift + Print Copy a rectangular screenshot
alt + Print Save a full screenshot
ctrl + Print Start screen record
ctrl + alt + Print Stop screen record
super + l Lock screen
alt + space Toggle between floating and tiled

Check ~/.config/sxhkd/sxhkdrc for all keybindings.


Fish will be the default shell for Alacritty and zsh will be the default user shell.

I've edited /etc/lxdm/Xsession per my needs. If your DM uses .xinitrc or .xsession by default, you won't have to edit Xsession.

Use your own OpenWeather API and city ID in conky config.

Don't install dotfiles without checking them. Check the dotfiles first, modify it and then proceed to installation.