The preject is based on project(Cathy0807/react), becuase I found that project is a little bit obsolete, so I add some new advanced react technology stack while learning.
It is a mock up of JD app. If you are basic learner, you can learning from this project, enjoy yourself.
- use React.component to replace obsoleted api React.CreateClass
- use Restful api to replace jsonp api, introducing axios
- use React-Router to turn it to Multipage project
- use Redux to manage the data form restful api
- use React-Redux to manage the data form restful api
- transfer restul request to action using redux-thunk
- beautify navigation tab bar!
- write a middleware for the similar logic of get data.
- add prop-type check for component robust.
- add react-intl for internationalization.
- upgrade base by create-react-app
open browser, access the URL http://localhost:3000/