A very simple/naive docker swarm plugin for cephfs
As far as I know, all the others are either completly outdated, or works only as local plugin (doesnt work in a swarm environement) If you know any, please let me know.
Each swarm nodes should have a correctly populated /etc/ceph directory
On each docker nodes :
docker plugin install --alias cephfs sebt3/docker-plugin-cephfs:master --grant-all-permissions
docker plugin disable cephfs --force
ceph auth get-or-create client.dockeruser mon 'allow r' osd 'allow rw' mds 'allow' > /etc/ceph/ceph.client.dockeruser.keyring
docker plugin set cephfs CLIENT_NAME=dockeruser
docker plugin enable cephfs
Warning, dont do this on production, as it's going to leak your authentification keys in the logs
docker plugin disable cephfs --force
docker plugin set cephfs DEBUG=1
docker plugin enable cephfs
Check the logs
journalctl -xeu docker|grep CEPHFS
It doesnt use any databases. All it does is creating a /docker directory in your cephfs. Every subdirectories are seen as a volume. This way all the nodes see the same volumes easyly