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iran-bibtex — Iran Manual of Style Citation Guide for BibTeX

The iran-bibtex package, designed for LaTeX, provides BibTeX styles in accordance with the guidelines outlined in the Iran Manual of Style (1st edn., 2016)—citation guide to Persian, and English information sources.

A collection of illustrative examples showcasing the usage of this package has been meticulously prepared and is accessible in the package's GitHub repository under the examples sub-directory.

To facilitate alphabetical sorting of references, prioritizing Persian/Farsi items ahead of English/Latin ones, a dedicated file named iran-bibtex-cp1256fa.csf is provided for use with this package. This file, derived from the ascii.csf file, serves the purpose of arranging references in the desired order.

It's important to note that this package relies on natbib package, and it is automatically loaded.


Copyright (c) 2023-2024 Farshad Rasuli (

This package distributed under the LaTeX Project Public License. It may be distributed and/or modified under the LaTeX Project Public License, version 1.3c or higher. The latest version of this license is at:

This work is “author-maintained” (as per LPPL maintenance status) by Farshad Rasuli.

Catalog on CTAN:

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Repository on GitHub:

How to use this package

The current version of this package (v0.3.0, and higher) supports ten types of entries: @book, @incollection, @article, @proceedings, @inproceedings, @conference, @mastersthesis, @phdthesis, @unpublished, and @misc. These types of entries meet the Iran Manual of Style requirements. Other types of entries have the default definition of the LaTeX standards and do not meet the requirements of the Iran Manual of Style.

Load package

To use the iran-bibtex package in your LaTeX document, simply include the command \usepackage[<bibstyle>,<options>]{iran-bibtex} in the preamble.

With this package, there's no need to explicitly set the bibliography style using the \bibliographystyle{<bibstyle>} command.

Any additional options specified as <options> will be passed to and processed by the natbib package.

For optimal performance, it's recommended to load the iran-bibtex package before the hyperref package.

Package's options as <bibstyle>

The bibliography styles included in this package are organized into two distinct groups. One set, denoted by names commencing with iran, is specifically designed for Persian/Farsi documents and requires the xepersian package for compilation. The other set, identified by names beginning with iranlatin, is customized for English/Latin documents. This set serves as the implementation of the Iran Manual of Style for English/Latin documents.

There are five different type of <bibstyle> options as follows:

  1. For Persian documents (produced by xepersian package)
No. Options Description
1 iran Author-date citation format, with reference items are arranged in alphabetical order.
2 iran-plain Numerical labeled citation format, with reference items are both alphabetically sorted and numerically labeled. This style is closely resembling the standard plain style.
3 iran-year Author-date citation format, with reference items are arranged in chronological order by year.
4 iran-plainyr Numerical labeled citation format, with reference items are both chronologically by year sorted and numerically labeled.
5 iran-unsrt Numerical labeled citation format, with reference items are sorted by citation order and numerically labeled. This style is closely resembling the standard unsrt style.
  1. For non-Persian documents (produced by any processor)
No. Options Description
1 iranlatin Author-date citation format, with reference items are arranged in alphabetical order.
2 iranlatin-plain Numerical labeled citation format, with reference items are both alphabetically sorted and numerically labeled. This style is closely resembling the standard plain style.
3 iranlatin-year Author-date citation format, with reference items are arranged in chronological order by year.
4 iranlatin-plainyr Numerical labeled citation format, with reference items are both chronologically by year sorted and numerically labeled.
5 iranlatin-unsrt Numerical labeled citation format, with reference items are sorted by citation order and numerically labeled. This style is closely resembling the standard unsrt style.


During the compilation of a bibliography database file (bib file) using the bibtex engine, English/Latin items are initially sorted, followed by Persian/Farsi items. To ensure Persian/Farsi items are displayed first, users are advised to choose the bibtex8 engine, create a bibliography database file (bib file) encrypted in utf8, and execute the bibtex8 -W -c iran-bibtex-cp1256fa command for compilation.

Citation commands

According to the natbib package user manual, the following commands are provided for citation. The illustrations below apply to the iranlatin bibstyle option.

(Sechzer et al. 1996)


Sechzer, Jeri A, S M Pfaffilin, F L Denmark, A Griffin, and S J Blumenthal. 1996. Women and Mental Health. Baltimore: John Hopkins Univ Press.

Group 1: \cite command (parentetical citation)

  • \cite{sechzer1996}: (Sechzer et al. 1996)
  • \cite[Chap.~2]{sechzer1996}: (Sechzer et al. 1996, Chap. 2)
  • \cite[see][p.~10]{sechzer1996}: (see Sechzer et al. 1996, p. 10)
  • \cite*{sechzer1996}: (Sechzer, Pfaffilin, Denmark, Griffin, and Blumenthal 1996)
  • \cite*[Chap.~2]{sechzer1996}: (Sechzer, Pfaffilin, Denmark, Griffin, and Blumenthal 1996, Chap. 2)
  • \cite*[see][p.~10]{sechzer1996}: (see Sechzer, Pfaffilin, Denmark, Griffin, and Blumenthal 1996, p. 10)

Group 2: \citep command (parentetical citation)

  • \citep{sechzer1996}: (Sechzer et al. 1996)
  • \citep[Chap.~2]{sechzer1996}: (Sechzer et al. 1996, Chap. 2)
  • \citep[see][p.~10]{sechzer1996}: (see Sechzer et al. 1996, p. 10)
  • \citep*{sechzer1996}: (Sechzer, Pfaffilin, Denmark, Griffin, and Blumenthal 1996)
  • \citep*[Chap.~2]{sechzer1996}: (Sechzer, Pfaffilin, Denmark, Griffin, and Blumenthal 1996, Chap. 2)
  • \citep*[see][p.~10]{sechzer1996}: (see Sechzer, Pfaffilin, Denmark, Griffin, and Blumenthal 1996, p. 10)

Group 3: \citet command (textual citation)

  • \citet{sechzer1996}: Sechzer et al. (1996)
  • \citet[Chap.~2]{sechzer1996}: Sechzer et al. (1996, Chap. 2)
  • \citet*{sechzer1996}: Sechzer, Pfaffilin, Denmark, Griffin, and Blumenthal (1996)
  • \citet*[Chap.~2]{sechzer1996}: Sechzer, Pfaffilin, Denmark, Griffin, and Blumenthal (1996, Chap. 2)

Group 4: Other citation commands

All of the other commads provided by natbib package also work.

Reporting issues

If you want to report any bugs or issues, please use the issue tracker. In doing so, please always explain your issue well enough and always include a minimal working example showing the issue.

Change log

Version 0.4.3 (2024/08/4)

  1. Fixing a minor issue that surfaced in the previous update.

Version 0.4.2 (2024/08/2)

  1. Made some improvements.

Version 0.4.1 (2024/05/6)

  1. Made some improvements.
  2. Minor bugs have been fixed.

Version 0.4.0 (2024/01/8)

  1. Implemented several improvements.
  2. Enhanced code quality.
  3. Persian/Farsi items now display the year's extra label with Persian characters.
  4. Made some modifications to the iran-bibtex-cp1256fa.csf file.
  5. Introducing a new option: iran-plain.
  6. Introducing a new option: iran-year.
  7. Introducing a new option: iran-plainyr.
  8. Introducing a new option: iran-unsrt.
  9. Introducing a new option: iranlatin.
  10. Introducing a new option: iranlatin-plain.
  11. Introducing a new option: iranlatin-year.
  12. Introducing a new option: iranlatin-plainyr.
  13. Introducing a new option: iranlatin-unsrt.

Version 0.3.0 (2023/12/18)

  1. Implemented several improvements.
  2. Minor bugs have been fixed.
  3. Added support for @mastersthesis entry.
  4. Added support for @phdthesis entry.
  5. Added support for @unpublished entry.
  6. Added support for @misc entry.

Version 0.2.0 (2023/12/15)

  1. Implemented several improvements
  2. Added support for @article entry.
  3. Added support for @incollection entry.
  4. Added support for @proceedings entry.
  5. Added support for @inproceedings entry.
  6. Added support for @conference entry.

Version 0.1.0 (2023/12/12)

  1. First release on CTAN, and GitHub.
  2. Available option: iran.
  3. Support for @book entry only.