In this project, a Google Classroom-like Course Management System was developed in Android Studio, using the Java programming language, taking into account the object-oriented design and programming paradigm. This application includes functionalities such as Register, Login, Courses, Assignments, Announcements, Messaging.
This system was developed using Firebase Database and the data was stored in this way.
1-StartScreenActivity: If the application was not logged in when first entered, this is the welcome screen.
2-RegisterActivity: Users register with their student or teacher preferences in this window.
3-LoginActiviy: The user logs in by entering their email and password.
4-MainActivity: The main page is the section where the courses are listed.
At the top right, there is a button to create a course if it is a teacher, or join a course if it is a student.
5-AssignmentsActivity: Students can view, upload (only text for now.) on their assignments in this section. Teachers can also edit the assignment.
6-ChatsActivity: Teachers and students can communicate with each other through the messaging section.
7-AnnouncementsActivity: A notification is received when homework is shared in any related course.