- GUI: C++/CLR
Line and circle detection with Canny Edge Detection and Hough Space on the image.
- Apply Gaussian Filter[3x3] on Intensity image
- Magnitude and Direction info calculate
- Calculate Histogram using Magnitude Image
- Canny Edge Detection :
- 4.1 Apply Non Maximal Suppression and thinning the edges.
- 4.2 Edges are determined according to the values given to Hysteresis Threashold.
- Get the maximum number of edges and circles to be detected with TextBox.
- LINE Detection:
- 6.1. Apply Hough Transform for Edge Detection
- 6.2. Find the maximum number of edges
- 6.3. Mark maximum edges on image
- CIRCLE Detection:
- 7.1. Circle yarıçapını textBox’tan oku
- 7.2. Apply Hough Transform for Circle Detection
- 7.3. Find the maximum number of circles
- 7.4. Mark maximum circles on image
Sample 1 is Circle Detection
Sample 2 is Circle Detection
Sample 3 is Line Detection