A discord bot to run swiss method tournaments, based on the MTG approach. Using discord.js library.
Uses the Monrad approach for pairings. Uses the following tiebreakers, in order:
- Match points
- Opponent Match Win %
- Game Win %
- Opponent Game Win %
- Random
Supports byes.
You will need node 13+;
- Create a Discord app, add a bot to it, grab the token and add the bot to your server - https://discordjs.guide/preparations/setting-up-a-bot-application.html
- Copy the config.json.example into a config.json and edit it to setup your token.
- install dependencies via
npm install
- run the bot via the command line with
node index.json
- Make sure at least one admin has the Staff role (the bot creates this role if it doesn't exist)
- start a tournament (Staff only).
- join the tournament.
- finish the checkin and start the tournament - outputs pairings for round 1 (Staff only).
!result w-l-d
- submit a result to the bot, example: !result 2-0
- these are confirmed via thumbs up reactions by the opponent.
- advance the tournament to the next round. If there's no more rounds left, outputs the final standings.
- check the current standings.