Advanced course on Reinforcement Learning.
- Overview of Reinforcement Learning and its applications
- Markov Decision Processes (MDPs) and Bellman Equations
- Q-Learning and SARSA algorithms
- TD Learning
- TD prediction
- SARSA and TD control
- First-Visit Monte Carlo and Every-Visit Monte Carlo methods
- On-Policy and Off-Policy methods
- Importance Sampling
- Introduction to function approximation for Reinforcement Learning
- Overview of Deep Reinforcement Learning
- Hands-on experience with Gymnasium environment
- Final project: students will work on a real-world Reinforcement Learning problem using the techniques and tools learned in the course
- Course conclusion and future directions in Reinforcement Learning research
- "Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction" by Richard S. Sutton and Andrew G. Barto (2018)
- Python implementation based on the book "Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction" by Richard S. Sutton and Andrew G. Barto (2018)
- "Deep Reinforcement Learning Hands-On" by Maxim Lapan (2018)
- Code for the book "Deep Reinforcement Learning Hands-On" by Maxim Lapan (2018)
- Gymnasium environment (
- TensorFlow documentation (
- PyTorch documentation (
- AlphaGo Documentary
- Monte Carlo Tree Search Another Introduction
- Stable Baselines
- Application to cartpole. Use of vectorized environments.
- AlphaGO to Muzero
- Trackmania bot Training an AI to learn to win at Trackmania game.
- Code to train a Trackmania bot
- PettingZoo Multi-agent reinforcement learning environment, compatible with Gymnasium.
- Tianshou A PyTorch library for deep reinforcement learning.
- TorchRL A PyTorch library for reinforcement learning.
- BenchMARL BenchMARL is a Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL) training library created to enable reproducibility and benchmarking across different MARL algorithms and environments.
- VMAS - Vectorized Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Simulator VMAS is a simulator for multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) that supports vectorized environments and is designed to be fast and easy to use.