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⚠️ This project is currently a Work-In-Progress, documentation is not fully complete and unit tests are not yet present. Use the released versions at your own risk.

FreeLocationProvider is an Android library whose purpose is to provide an easy-to-use replacement for the default GPS provider included in Android's LocationManager. This is achieved by:

  1. Fusing the raw GPS updated from LocationManager with sensor data from the device's accelerometer and gyroscope using a Kalman filter to provide more accurate positioning and offer some positioning in no-reception areas (tunnels, etc);
  2. Caching the last known location when the app is stopped to quickly provide a location to the app when it starts;
  3. Offering a full Kotlin-Flow-based API with minimal configuration, in addition to some built-in integration with popular Navigation libraries (currently limited to Mapbox).


The project is built around several modules:

  • FreeLocationProvider: the base library containing the provider itself,
  • FreeLocationProviderMapbox: Mapbox Engine to ease Mapbox Navigation integration,
  • app: An application to test the provider accuracy in several use cases - supports navigating "In real life" using the GPS as well as replaying some recorded trip. Requires a Mapbox token.


All artifacts are uploaded in Maven Central.

Make sure you set it up in your project's settings.gradle.

pluginManagement {
    repositories {
        // ...
dependencyResolutionManagement {
    repositories {
        // ...
// ...

Base provider - FreeLocationProvider

Add the dependency in your app's build.gradle:

implementation 'io.github.fcuringa:freelocationprovider:0.3.0'

Mapbox engine - FreeLocationProviderMapbox

You are required to setup your access to Mapbox Navigation first.


Add the dependencies in your app's build.gradle:

implementation "com.mapbox.navigation:android:2.10.4"   // Mapbox Navigation

// FreeLocationProvider dependencies
implementation 'io.github.fcuringa:freelocationprovider-mapbox:0.3.0'
implementation 'io.github.fcuringa:freelocationprovider:0.3.0'

API usage

Once installed, this is how you may use this library.

Using the Mapbox integration

// Create the location provider
val locationProvider = FreeLocationProvider.Builder(this.baseContext)
    .configure { provider ->
        provider.coroutineScope = lifecycleScope        // Tie the provider to the activity lifecycle
        provider.coroutineDispatcher = Dispatchers.IO
        provider.engineType = EngineType.FUSED          // Use fused engine
        provider.sampleTimeLocationUpdateMs = 1000      // Request 1 location update per second
        provider.maxLocationAccuracy = 20.0f            // Ignore inaccurate GPS updates
    .build()    // ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION permission MUST have ben granted before calling

// Create and initialize engine
val engine = FreeLocationProviderMapboxEngine.Builder(this.baseContext)
    .configure { mEngine ->
        mEngine.coroutineScope = lifecycleScope
        mEngine.coroutineDispatcher = Dispatchers.IO
        mEngine.isDebugEnabled = true           // Print debug logs in logcat
        mEngine.isDebugLogFileEnabled = true    // Save those logs in a file under .FreeLocationProvider 
        mEngine.sensorDelay = SensorManager.SENSOR_DELAY_NORMAL
    .apply {
        initialize()    // Optionally pass a replay file to replay a previous route instead of tracking

// Finally setup MapboxNavigation
val navigationOptions = NavigationOptions.Builder(this)
        .accessToken("your_access_token")    // Replace with your access token

// Use those NavigationOptions to setup MapboxNavigation as usual
// See

Using the provider


Test app usage

The application will not compile out-of-the-box as it requires some credentials tied to Mapbox.


First, you must add your Mapbox secret token to


Then, you must add your Mapbox API token under app/src/main/res/values/mapbox.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <string name="mapbox_access_token">pk.ey...</string>

Finally, you should be able to compile the app using the standard app target in Android Studio.