Elixir SDK for the featureflow feature management platform
Get your Featureflow account at featureflow.io
The easiest way to get started is to follow the Featureflow quick start guides
Alternatively to see featureflow running in action, you can run the example in this repo:
- Clone this repository
- Copy config/dev.exs.sample to config/dev.exs
- Update confid/dev.exs
apiKey: [ "your-javascript-environment-sdk-key"]
- Run
$ mix do deps.get, compile
and$ iex -S mix
- Have fun!
You can either add it as a dependency in your mix.exs, or install it globally as an archive task.
To add it to a mix project, just add a line like this in your deps function in mix.exs:
defp deps do
[{:featureflow, "~> 0.1.0"}]
and run
mix do deps.get, deps.compile
Here is a simple example of running your feature that prints "Feature evaluated" on the screen.
defmodule MySimpleFeature do
alias Featureflow.{User, Client}
alias Featureflow.Client.Evaluate
def evaluate_my_feature(%User{} = user) do
api_key = "<your-javascript-environment-sdk-key>"
|> Featureflow.init()
|> Client.evaluate(:'some-cool-feature', user)
|> Evaluate.isOn()
|> maybe_evaluate_my_feature()
def maybe_evaluate_my_feature(true) do
# Execute your feature code here
IO.inspect "Feature evaluated"
def maybe_evaluate_my_feature(_), do: nil
Further documentation can be found here
- Featureflow is an application feature management tool that allows you to safely and effectively release, manage and evaluate your applications features across multiple applications, platforms and languages.
- Dark / Silent Release with features turned off
- Gradual rollout to a percent of users
- Virtual Rollout and Rollback of features
- Environment and Component feature itinerary
- Target features to specific audiences
- A/B and Multivariant test new feature variants - migrate to the winner All without devops, engineering or downtime.
- We have SDKs in the following languages
- [Javascript] (https://github.com/featureflow/featureflow-javascript-sdk)
- [Java] (https://github.com/featureflow/featureflow-java-sdk)
- [NodeJS] (https://github.com/featureflow/featureflow-node-sdk)
- [ReactJS] (https://github.com/featureflow/react-featureflow-client)
- [angular] (https://github.com/featureflow/featureflow-ng)
- [PHP] (https://github.com/featureflow/featureflow-php-sdk)
- [Elixir] (https://github.com/featureflow/featureflow-elixir-sdk)
- [.net] (https://github.com/featureflow/featureflow-dotnet-client)
- Find out more