This project is an alternative of MachineSimulation.NET: the 3D view is based on OpenGL wrapped by OpenTK. The struct of the application il based on MVVM pattern; the models, view models and views, except 3D view, are the same of MachineSimulation.NET, the diffent is the implementation of the 3D view. To test this solution you can try with the content of folder Example.
Application for view the machine with relative tooling.
View of the machine implemented on OpenGL. The use of OpenGL is made by these packages:
- OpenTK - the C# library that bind OpenGL;
- ObjectTK - a thin abstraction layer on top of OpenTK to provide OpenGL features in an object-oriented;
- GLWpfControl - a native control for WPF in OpenTK.
Class library for factories, builders and helpers.
Implementation of the abstract classes of MaterialRemove.ViewModels.