a webscraper that collects data from a fusion solar kiosk website and creates a custom dashboard with it.
The program is designed that no login credentials are needed. The only requirement for your fusion solar system is to have a public kiosk site available. Be aware that the kiosk site url needs to be renewed anually.
Felix Wittwer
@felixwittwer on GitHub
Download the driver matching your version of the installed browser. The Project currently supports Firefox with geckodriver and Chrome with chromedriver.
Be aware that the browser you wana use needs to be installed.
Firefox (geckodriver)
Unzip the Folder and put the geckodriver.exe file into the main directory of this project.
tested with v0.34.0 on Windows
Firefox 126.0
Chrome (chromedriver)
Unzip the Folder and put the chromedriver.exe file into the main directory of this project.
tested with 128.0.6613.86 (r1331488) on Windows
Chrome version 128.0.6613.86
(customize template.env to your needs)
set #to show all current environment variables
set SELENIUM_URL https://****
Configure the settings.py file to your needs.
- set your browser
- choose headles or non headless mode
- set browser window height and width
- set the maximum power your solar plant can provide
- set your goal for the day power generation
- set your goal for the month power generation
pip install -r requirements.txt
Set up a crown job.
[I have not tested it on Linux up until now so I dont provide any detailed guide on how to set it up right now.]
Start Windows Task Scheduler. (GER: Aufgabenplanung)
Click on "create new Task". (GER: Aufgabe erstellen...)
Give your Task a name and description.
Go to the Actions tab. (GER: Aktionen)
Click new and put the full path to the python program into the first field. e.g. C:\Users\someone\path_to_script\fusion_solar_dashboard\solar_data_dashboard.py
Put the path to the folder where the whole project lies into the "start in" (GER: Sarten in (optional):) field. e.g. C:\Users\someone\path_to_script\fusion_solar_dashboard\
Click on OK.
Go to the Trigger tab. (GER: Trigger)
Click new and choose once. (GER: Einmal)
Tick the first two boxes unter the advanced settings (GER: Erweiterte Einstellungen) section and select your desired intervall times.
Note: The finished dashboard can be found in the /dashboard/ folder along with a JS and CSS file which are mandatory for the dashboard to work!
When the html site is open it automaticaly reloads the html file every 60 seconds.
Make sure that you also run the Python file regularely to update the data that is displayed.
Have a look here if you have not configured it yet. automatically running solar_data_dashboard.py
In routines.py you can change the order of the individual components.
Additional scripts should be put in the /src/parts directory. You can add these scripts then to the routines file.