This template provides scaffolding for running Leptos server-side applications in Spin. Previously, in Leptos versions 0.6 and below, a server integration similar to Leptos' Actix and Axum integrations was designed, published, and maintained in this repository (through the excellent work of @itowlson from Fermyon and @benwis from Leptos). As of Leptos 0.7, this integration relies on the leptos_wasi crate now maintained by Leptos to provide a server. As leptos_wasi
creates a wasi-http component, Spin can seamlessly run this generated server and uses the spin-fileserver component to vend client assets. This template integrates Spin's concepts and Leptos', allowing utilization of the vast ecosystem of Spin + WASI functionality in a serverless Leptos back-end.
The leptos-ssr
template can be installed using the following command:
spin templates install --git
Copying remote template source
Installing template leptos-ssr...
Installed 1 template(s)
| Name Description |
| leptos-ssr Leptos application using server-side rendering |
Once the template is installed, a mew leptos project can be instantiated using:
spin new -t leptos-ssr my-leptos-app -a
Before building and running the project cargo-leptos
needs to be installed:
cargo install --locked --version 0.2.22 cargo-leptos
version is sensitive to the project'swasm-bindgen
version. If you updatecargo-leptos
to a different version, you may need to updatewasm-bindgen
, and vice versa.
To build and run the created project, the following command can be used:
cd my-leptos-app
spin build --up
Now the app should be served at
All server functions (
) must be explicitly registered (see usage sample below). In native code, Leptos uses a clever macro to register them automatically; unfortunately, that doesn't work in WASI. -
When using a context value in a component in a
feature = "ssr"
block, you should calluse_context
may panic during routing.Request
is most likely to hit the problem, but it is overall recommended to preferuse_context
. E.g.
fn HomePage() -> impl IntoView {
#[cfg(feature = "ssr")]
if let Some(resp) = use_context::<leptos_wasi::response::ResponseOptions>() {
resp.append_header("X-Utensil", "spork".as_bytes());
view! {
<h1>"Come over to the Leptos side - we have headers!"</h1>
async fn handle_request(
request: IncomingRequest,
response_out: ResponseOutparam,
) -> Result<(), HandlerError> {
use leptos_wasi::prelude::Handler;
let conf = get_configuration(None).unwrap();
let leptos_options = conf.leptos_options;
Handler::build(request, response_out)?
// NOTE: Add all server functions here to ensure functionality works as expected!
// Fetch all available routes from your App.
// Actually process the request and write the response.
.handle_with_context(move || shell(leptos_options.clone()), || {})