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MeetEval - A meeting transcription evaluation toolkit


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A meeting transcription evaluation toolkit


MeetEval supports the following metrics for meeting transcription evaluation:

  • Standard WER for single utterances (Called SISO WER in MeetEval)
    meeteval-wer wer -r ref -h hyp
  • Concatenated minimum-Permutation Word Error Rate (cpWER)
    meeteval-wer cpwer -r ref.stm -h hyp.stm
  • Optimal Reference Combination Word Error Rate (ORC WER)
    meeteval-wer orcwer -r ref.stm -h hyp.stm
  • Fast Greedy Approximation of Optimal Reference Combination Word Error Rate (greedy ORC WER)
    meeteval-wer greedy_orcwer -r ref.stm -h hyp.stm
  • Multi-speaker-input multi-stream-output Word Error Rate (MIMO WER)
    meeteval-wer mimower -r ref.stm -h hyp.stm
  • Time-Constrained minimum-Permutation Word Error Rate (tcpWER)
    meeteval-wer tcpwer -r ref.stm -h hyp.stm --collar 5
  • Time-Constrained Optimal Reference Combination Word Error Rate (tcORC WER)
    meeteval-wer tcorcwer -r ref.stm -h hyp.stm --collar 5
  • Fast Greedy Approximation of Time-Constrained Optimal Reference Combination Word Error Rate (greedy tcORC WER)
    meeteval-wer greedy_tcorcwer -r ref.stm -h hyp.stm --collar 5
  • Diarization-Invariant cpWER (DI-cpWER)
    meeteval-wer greedy_dicpwer -r ref.stm -h hyp.stm
  • Diarization Error Rate (DER) by wrapping mdeval
    meeteval-der md_eval_22 -r ref.stm -h hyp.stm --collar .25

Additionally, MeetEval contains a visualization tool for cpWER and tcpWER alignments that helps to spot errors in system outputs.


From PyPI

pip install meeteval

From source

git clone
pip install -e ./meeteval

Command-line interface

MeetEval supports the following file formats as input:


MeetEval does not support alternate transcripts (e.g., "i've { um / uh / @ } as far as i'm concerned").

The command-line interface is available as meeteval-wer or python -m meeteval.wer with the following signature:

python -m meeteval.wer [orcwer|mimower|cpwer|tcpwer|tcorcwer] -h example_files/hyp.stm -r example_files/ref.stm
# or
meeteval-wer [orcwer|mimower|cpwer|tcpwer|tcorcwer] -h example_files/hyp.stm -r example_files/ref.stm

You can add --help to any command to get more information about the available options. The command name orcwer, mimower, cpwer and tcpwer selects the metric to use. By default, the hypothesis files is used to create the template for the average (e.g. hypothesis.json) and per_reco hypothesis_per_reco.json file. They can be changed with --average-out and --per-reco-out. .json and .yaml are the supported suffixes.

More examples can be found in tests/

File Formats

SEGment-wise Long-form Speech Transcription annotation (SegLST)

The SegLST format was used in the CHiME-7 challenge and is the default format for MeetEval.

The SegLST format is stored in JSON format and contains a list of segments. Each segment should have a minimum set of keys "session_id" and "words". Depending on the metric, additional keys may be required ("speaker", "start_time", "end_time").

An example is shown below:

        "session_id": "recordingA", # Required
        "words": "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog", # Required for WER metrics
        "speaker": "Alice", # Required for metrics that use speaker information (cpWER, ORC WER, MIMO WER)
        "start_time": 0,    # Required for time-constrained metrics (tcpWER, tcORC-WER, DER, ...)
        "end_time": 1,      # Required for time-constrained metrics (tcpWER, tcORC-WER, DER, ...)
        "audio_path": "path/to/recordingA.wav"  # Any additional keys can be included

Another example can be found here.

Each line in an STM file represents one "utterance" and is defined as

STM :== <filename> <channel> <speaker_id> <begin_time> <end_time> <transcript>


  • filename: name of the recording
  • channel: ignored by MeetEval
  • speaker_id: ID of the speaker or system output stream/channel (not microphone channel)
  • begin_time: in seconds, used to find the order of the utterances
  • end_time: in seconds
  • transcript: space-separated list of words

for example:

recording1 1 Alice 0 0 Hello Bob.
recording1 1 Bob 1 0 Hello Alice.
recording1 1 Alice 2 0 How are you?
recording2 1 Alice 0 0 Hello Carol.
;; ...

An example STM file can be found in here.

The CTM format is defined as

CTM :== <filename> <channel> <begin_time> <duration> <word> [<confidence>]

for the hypothesis (one file per speaker). You have to supply one CTM file for each system output channel using multiple -h arguments since CTM files don't encode speaker or system output channel information (the channel field has a different meaning: left or right microphone). For example:

meeteval-wer orcwer -h hyp1.ctm -h hyp2.ctm -r reference.stm


Note that the LibriCSS baseline recipe produces one CTM file which merges the speakers, so that it cannot be applied straight away. We recommend to use STM or SegLST files.

Python interface

For all metrics a Low-level and high-level interface is available.


You want to use the high-level for computing metrics over a full dataset.
You want to use the low-level interface for computing metrics for single examples or when your data is represented as Python structures, e.g., nested lists of strings.

Low-level interface

All WERs have a low-level interface in the meeteval.wer module that allows computing the WER for single examples. The functions take the reference and hypothesis as input and return an ErrorRate object. The ErrorRate bundles statistics (errors, total number of words) and potential auxiliary information (e.g., assignment for ORC WER) together with the WER.

import meeteval

wer = meeteval.wer.wer.siso.siso_word_error_rate(
    reference='The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog',
    hypothesis='The kwick brown fox jump over lazy '
# ErrorRate(error_rate=0.4444444444444444, errors=4, length=9, insertions=0, deletions=2, substitutions=2)

# cpWER
wer = meeteval.wer.wer.cp.cp_word_error_rate(
    reference=['The quick brown fox', 'jumps over the lazy dog'],
    hypothesis=['The kwick brown fox', 'jump over lazy ']
# CPErrorRate(error_rate=0.4444444444444444, errors=4, length=9, insertions=0, deletions=2, substitutions=2, missed_speaker=0, falarm_speaker=0, scored_speaker=2, assignment=((0, 0), (1, 1)))

wer = meeteval.wer.wer.orc.orc_word_error_rate(
    reference=['The quick brown fox', 'jumps over the lazy dog'],
    hypothesis=['The kwick brown fox', 'jump over lazy ']
# OrcErrorRate(error_rate=0.4444444444444444, errors=4, length=9, insertions=0, deletions=2, substitutions=2, assignment=(0, 1))

The input format can be a (list of) strings or an object representing a file format from

import meeteval
wer = meeteval.wer.wer.cp.cp_word_error_rate(
    reference ='recordingA 1 Alice 0 1 The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog'),
    hypothesis ='recordingA 1 spk-1 0 1 The kwick brown fox jump over lazy ')
# CPErrorRate(error_rate=0.4444444444444444, errors=4, length=9, insertions=0, deletions=2, substitutions=2, reference_self_overlap=SelfOverlap(overlap_rate=Decimal('0'), overlap_time=0, total_time=Decimal('1')), hypothesis_self_overlap=SelfOverlap(overlap_rate=Decimal('0'), overlap_time=0, total_time=Decimal('1')), missed_speaker=0, falarm_speaker=0, scored_speaker=1, assignment=(('Alice', 'spk-1'), ))

All low-level interfaces come with a single-example function (as show above) and a batch function that computes the WER for multiple examples at once. The batch function is postfixed with _multifile and is similar to the high-level interface without fancy input format handling. To compute the average over multiple ErrorRates, use meeteval.wer.combine_error_rates. Note that the combined WER is not the average over the error rates, but the error rate that results from combining the errors and lengths of all error rates. combine_error_rates also discards any information that cannot be aggregated over multiple examples (such as the ORC WER assignment).

For example with the cpWER:

import meeteval.wer.wer.siso

wers = meeteval.wer.wer.cp.cp_word_error_rate_multifile(
        'recordingA': {'speakerA': 'First example', 'speakerB': 'First example second speaker'}, 
        'recordingB': {'speakerA': 'Second example'},
        'recordingA': ['First example with errors', 'First example second speaker'],
        'recordingB': ['Second example', 'Overestimated speaker'],
# {
#   'recordingA': CPErrorRate(error_rate=0.3333333333333333, errors=2, length=6, insertions=2, deletions=0, substitutions=0, missed_speaker=0, falarm_speaker=0, scored_speaker=2, assignment=(('speakerA', 0), ('speakerB', 1))), 
#   'recordingB': CPErrorRate(error_rate=1.0, errors=2, length=2, insertions=2, deletions=0, substitutions=0, missed_speaker=0, falarm_speaker=1, scored_speaker=1, assignment=(('speakerA', 0), (None, 1)))
# }

# Use combine_error_rates to compute an "overall" WER over multiple examples
avg = meeteval.wer.combine_error_rates(wers)
# CPErrorRate(error_rate=0.5, errors=4, length=8, insertions=4, deletions=0, substitutions=0, missed_speaker=0, falarm_speaker=1, scored_speaker=3)

High-level interface

All WERs have a high-level Python interface available directly in the meeteval.wer module that mirrors the Command-line interface and accepts the formats from as input. All of these functions require the input format to contain a session-ID and output a dict mapping from session-ID to the result of that session

import meeteval

# File Paths
wers = meeteval.wer.tcpwer('example_files/ref.stm', 'example_files/hyp.stm', collar=5)

# Loaded files
wers = meeteval.wer.tcpwer('example_files/ref.stm'),'example_files/hyp.stm'), collar=5)

# Objects
wers = meeteval.wer.tcpwer('''
        recordingA 1 Alice 0 1 The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
        recordingB 1 Bob 0 1 The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
        recordingA 1 spk-1 0 1 The kwick brown fox jump over lazy
        recordingB 1 spk-1 0 1 The kwick brown fox jump over lazy
# {
#     'recordingA': CPErrorRate(error_rate=0.4444444444444444, errors=4, length=9, insertions=0, deletions=2, substitutions=2, reference_self_overlap=SelfOverlap(overlap_rate=Decimal('0'), overlap_time=0, total_time=Decimal('1')), hypothesis_self_overlap=SelfOverlap(overlap_rate=Decimal('0'), overlap_time=0, total_time=Decimal('1')), missed_speaker=0, falarm_speaker=0, scored_speaker=1, assignment=(('Alice', 'spk-1'),)), 
#     'recordingB': CPErrorRate(error_rate=0.4444444444444444, errors=4, length=9, insertions=0, deletions=2, substitutions=2, reference_self_overlap=SelfOverlap(overlap_rate=Decimal('0'), overlap_time=0, total_time=Decimal('1')), hypothesis_self_overlap=SelfOverlap(overlap_rate=Decimal('0'), overlap_time=0, total_time=Decimal('1')), missed_speaker=0, falarm_speaker=0, scored_speaker=1, assignment=(('Bob', 'spk-1'),))
# }

avg = meeteval.wer.combine_error_rates(wers)
# CPErrorRate(error_rate=0.4444444444444444, errors=8, length=18, insertions=0, deletions=4, substitutions=4, reference_self_overlap=SelfOverlap(overlap_rate=Decimal('0'), overlap_time=0, total_time=Decimal('2')), hypothesis_self_overlap=SelfOverlap(overlap_rate=Decimal('0'), overlap_time=0, total_time=Decimal('2')), missed_speaker=0, falarm_speaker=0, scored_speaker=2)

Aligning sequences

Sequences can be aligned, similar to kaldialign.align, using the tcpWER matching:

import meeteval
meeteval.wer.wer.time_constrained.align([{'words': 'a b', 'start_time': 0, 'end_time': 1}], [{'words': 'a c', 'start_time': 0, 'end_time': 1}, {'words': 'd', 'start_time': 2, 'end_time': 3}])
# [('a', 'a'), ('b', 'c'), ('*', 'd')]



Try it in the browser!

import meeteval
from meeteval.viz.visualize import AlignmentVisualization

folder = r''
av = AlignmentVisualization( + 'example_files/ref.stm').groupby('filename')['recordingA'], + 'example_files/hyp.stm').groupby('filename')['recordingA']
# display(av)  # Jupyter
# av.dump('viz.html')  # Create standalone HTML file


The toolkit and the tcpWER were presented at the CHiME-2023 workshop (Computational Hearing in Multisource Environments) with the paper "MeetEval: A Toolkit for Computation of Word Error Rates for Meeting Transcription Systems".


  author    = {von Neumann, Thilo and Boeddeker, Christoph and Delcroix, Marc and Haeb-Umbach, Reinhold},
  title     = {{MeetEval}: A Toolkit for Computation of Word Error Rates for Meeting Transcription Systems},
  year      = {2023},
  booktitle = {Proc. 7th International Workshop on Speech Processing in Everyday Environments (CHiME 2023)},
  pages     = {27--32},
  doi       = {10.21437/CHiME.2023-6}

The MIMO WER and efficient implementation of ORC WER are presented in the paper "On Word Error Rate Definitions and their Efficient Computation for Multi-Speaker Speech Recognition Systems".


  author       = {von Neumann, Thilo and Boeddeker, Christoph and Kinoshita, Keisuke and Delcroix, Marc and Haeb-Umbach, Reinhold},
  title        = {On Word Error Rate Definitions and their Efficient Computation for Multi-Speaker Speech Recognition Systems},
  booktitle    = {ICASSP 2023 - 2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)},
  year         = {2023},
  doi          = {10.1109/ICASSP49357.2023.10094784}