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What is flos-ember-test-helpers

This addon provides and registers test helpers for use in the testing of your application.

Provided Helpers


clickAndAssertPath(assert, selector, expectedPath);

Click on the element specified by selector and assert that it has transitioned to route expectedPath.

// Example:
clickAndAssertPath(assert, 'button', 'other.route');


visitAndAssertPath(assert, path, expectedPath);

Visit path and assert that it has transitioned to route expectedPath.

// Example:
visitAndAssertPath(assert, '/a/path', 'a.path');
visitAndAssertPath(assert, '/will/redirect', 'expected.route');

How to use this addon in your application


ember install flos-ember-test-helpers

Using in acceptance tests

For each test helper you wish to use, you will need to import them.

  • Add import './flos-test-helpers/click-and-assert-path'; to the beginning of the tests/helpers/start-app.js file
  • Add import './flos-test-helpers/visit-and-assert-path'; to the beginning of the tests/helpers/start-app.js file
  • Ignore globals in eslint / jshint
    • Add "clickAndAssertPath": true, to the globals section of the .eslintrc
    • Add "clickAndAssertPath", to the predef section of the /tests/.jshintrc file