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Simple node.js tool that extends express projects.


The point of this tool is to add to express some feeling of php framework Laravel. Primarily get simply express app into MVC architecture.


npm install -g nork

This will install nork globally. If you would like to install nork for only one project, you can also install it locally. For local installation:

npm install nork

How to use

Usage: nork <command> [options]

  -v, --version                  output the version number
  -h, --help                     output usage information

  create [app-name]              create a new project
  create [app-name] -i           create a new project in current directory
  make controller [name]         create a new controller
  make middleware [name]         create a new middleware
  make model [name]              create a new model
  make route [name]              create a new route
  make test [name]               create a new test
  make view [name]               create a new view
  setup                          set up an existing project for nork