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fire2a-lib python package

Fire Advanced Analyitics research group scriptable knowledge base

  • Novel Algorithms related to landscape risk metrics, spatial decision optimization models, etc.
  • (Cell2) Fire (W) Simulator integration algorithms to facilitating placing firebreaks, measuring forest fire impacts, etc.
  • (Q)GIS algorithms to common tasks related to rasters, polygons, spatial clustering, etc.


Simplest: Use within QGIS

  1. Install QGIS
  2. Open QGIS Python Console
  3. Type (to install)::
!pip install fire2a-lib
  1. Visit fire2a-lib documentation, example:
from fire2a.downstream_protection_value import digraph_from_messages
digraph = digraph_from_messages('messages01.csv')

Command line usage

  1. Install QGIS
  • Docker users check qgis container
  • Linux developers could skip QGIS by apt install python3-gdal gdal-bin
  1. Use python from the terminal
  • Windows: Open OsGeo4W Shell app, python is available
  • MacOS: Open terminal app, use this /Applications/ (see creating an alias below)
  • Linux: Do a system site packages aware python virtual environment python3 -m venv --system-site-packages qgis_venv
  1. Install
python -m pip install fire2a-lib
  1. Visit fire2a-lib documentation, example:
python -m fire2a.cell2fire -vvv --base-raster ../fuels.asc --authid EPSG:25831 --scar-sample Grids/Grids2/F
orestGrid03.csv --scar-poly propagation_scars.shp --burn-prob burn_probability.tif

Scripting tips

  • Check standalone scripting for more info on initializing a headless QGIS environment
  • Usage examples
  • Microsoft users check this VSCode integration
  • macOS users add a permanent alias, on the terminal app
echo "alias pythonq='/Applications/'" >> ~/.zshrc


  • debbuging:
from IPython import embed
  • sessions, with: IPython, qtconsole, jupyter-lab, or IPyConsole (QGIS plugin) compatible
# Interactive explore from IPython
In [1]: from fire2a.<press-tab>

# Select and Copy a whole module from line 1 up -but not included- to 'def main def main(argv=None):' line 
In [2]: %paste

# Choose your args 
In [3]: args = arg_parser.parse_args(['-vvv', '--base-raster', ...
# Skip:
    if argv is sys.argv:
        argv = sys.argv[1:]
    args = arg_parser(argv)

# Ready

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the project's codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms, and fora is expected to follow the PSF Code of Conduct.


No packages published


  • Python 94.2%
  • Jupyter Notebook 4.7%
  • Other 1.1%