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A library of useful nunjucks helpers and filters, with a wrapper for use with hapi


npm install hapi-nunjucks-helpers


hapi-nunjucks-helpers is designed to work with vision and vision-nunjucks, you just need to make sure to tell nunjucks to compile the helpers in 'async' mode:

await server.register(require('vision'));

  engines: {
    njk: require('vision-nunjucks')
  path: '/views',
  isCached: false,
  compileMode: 'async'

await server.register(require('hapi-nunjucks-helpers'));

Is all you need to do, all of the following helpers will then be available for use in your views:

Asset Helper

When you register the plugin you can pass options to configure how your assets filter will work:

await server.register({
  plugin: require('hapi-nunjucks-helpers'),
  options: {
    assets: {
      endpoint: 'http://localhost:8080/',
      cdn: 'http://localhost',
      mappingFile: 'assets-map.json'

These options are as follows:

  • endpoint The base asset directory, default is none.

  • dist The root directory under endpoint where compiled asset files reside, so assets will look for compiled asset files in the directory specified by ${endpoint}/${dist}. Default is none.

  • mappingFile A JSON file containing the map of source files to their corresponding hashed assets, this file should look like:

      "common.js": "common.0d5714f897be66e21c18.js",
      "common.css": "common.f7f029f8ee35aec7a7f6.css",
      "script.js": "script.68e5e334aa4dcb31eece.js"
  • cdn - Optional CDN domain for assets. Default: none.

  • cache - If true, caches contents of mappingFile. Default: false (you will generally want to leave cacheing off during development)



Reads from the mapping file if available:

<script src="{{ 'common.js' | asset }}"></script>

Also possible to pass a version to force new fetch from cache:

<script src="{{ 'common.js' | asset(2) }}"></script>
<!-- /common.js?v=2 ?>


Prefixes asset with cdn path taken from the assets.cdn property:

<img src="{{ 'logos/logo.png' | cdn }}">

With css/js

<script src="{{ 'common.js' | asset | cdn }}"></script>


Will transform an array of text items into paragraph blocks, and optionally insert a css class for the paragraphs:

If you have a context like:

{ paragraphs: ['hello world', 'goodbye world'] }

and a view like:

{{ paragraph | copyBlock | safe }}
{{ paragraph | copyBlock('bold') | safe }}

This will result in:

<p>hello world</p><p>goodbye world</p>
<p class="bold">hello world</p><p class="bold">goodbye world</p>


Formats a date-string with momentjs

From Now: {{ new Date | date }}
Format String: {{ new Date | date("YYYY MM DD") }}


Allows you to filter items from an array based on whether they match a particular field or not.

If you have a context like:

  items: [
    { name: 'mango', type: 'fruit' },
    { name: 'peach', type: 'fruit' },
    { name: 'lettuce', type: 'vegetable' }
    { name: 'pineapple', type: 'fruit' },
    { name: 'cucumber', type: 'vegetable' }
  exclude: [
    { type: 'vegetable' }

then you can call the exclude filter like this:

{% for entry in items | exclude(exclude, 'type') %}{{ }}{% endfor %}

and it will print out: mangopeachpineapple.


Takes a file and spits out the contents, very useful for when you want to have inline JS and CSS:

<script>{{ 'common.js' | inline }}</script>


If the plugin was registered with the secureLinks: true option, this will replace 'http' with 'https' in your embedded links, otherwise it will do nothing. Useful for testing local links in a development environment.

await server.register({
  plugin: require('hapi-nunjucks-helpers'),
  options: {
    secureLinks: true

will cause:

{{ '' | securify }}
{{ '' | securify }}

to be rendered as:


Slugifies a string. All chars are made lowercase, all spaces replaced with -, funny symbols are removed and the string is trimmed:

{{ '  hello@@  WORLD-!' | slugify }}

will render as hello-world


Renders script tags using the cdn value, you can also ask it to 'defer' loading the script:

await server.register({
  plugin: require('hapi-nunjucks-helpers'),
  options: {
    assets: {
      cdn: 'http://localhost'


{{ 'test.js' | script | safe }}
{{ 'test2.js' | script(true) | safe }}

results in:

<script src="http://localhost/test.js" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<script src="http://localhost/test2.js" crossorigin="anonymous" defer></script>


Just like script, except renders style tags:

{{ 'test.css' | style }}

will output:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://localhost/test.css">