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Releases: fischuu/Snakebite-miRNA

Release version 0.12.0

23 Mar 07:55
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Latest dev version updated merged into the main branch contain the following updates

20: Bugfix: One sample was removed from the DE analysis in the final report by accident.
19: Barplot legends work now also, when no biotypes are provided in the referene annotation
18: Overall statistics split now noFeature and noFeature, but used for novel miRNA
17: SOme if-clauses added for more stable finalReport execusion
16: Some default resource allocations added
15: Bugfix, in getJoinedLoci minimum coverage was >, but it should have been >= to meet correct settings
14: Bugfix, that crashed finalReport in case only two samples were used in the pipeline
13: tOption is now also used in the final report
12: Missing memory allocation in one rule was added.
11: Bugfix, server-config did not receive the project path, if not given explicitely in config file
10: Added samtools_nonTRNA_reads_phix_flagstats to default resource allocation
9: Added samtools_concatenated_reads_tRNA_flagstats to the dedicated resource allocations
8: Added featureCounts options to account for non-default gtf file in quantification (-t and -g options)
7: Additional server resources added to the server_config file
6: Option for DE testing with edgeR added
5: sampleInfo-file option added
4: Config allows now relatives PATHs and adjustes them tot eh current project folder
3: Parameter for minimum coverage for novel miRNA detection added
2: Quantification table for reference counts added
1: New dev branch, identical to 0.10

Stable release version 0.10

08 Mar 05:32
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Included the previous dev-updates, quick release because of critical bugfix


3: Critical bugfix - Separate 3' and 5' adapter trimming was doing wrong
2: Added the option not to use any adapter trimming

Pipeline release version 0.8.1

06 Mar 14:47
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Previous update 0.7.9 was not part of the last release 0.8.

Stable release version 0.8

04 Mar 17:03
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Release version contains the previous dev-version changes:

8: Pipeline allows now separate 3' and 5' adapter trimming
7: Critical bugfix, seqkit rules reported suddenly non-zero exit errors
6: Case caught, when no novel genes are detected
5: Critical bugfix in the seqkit output
4: Path bug in final report fixed (after renaming not adjusted)
3: Resource allocations for a missing rule added
2: Some defaults server resource allocations adjusted
1: New dev branch opened

Stable release version 0.6

15 Nov 05:50
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Latest release from the miRNA pipeline, including the following changes:

24: Structure in chapter 'Origin of reads' optimised
23: Resolution for the read summary figure adjusted
22: Bugfix for RPKm calculation in STAR protein coding expression values
21: hairpin_species quantification table is exported to the QUANTIFICATION folder
20: hairpin quantification table is exported to the QUANTIFICATION folder
19: mature_species quantification table is exported to the QUANTIFICATION folder
18: mature quantification table is exported to the QUANTIFICATION folder
17: tRNA quantification table is exported to the QUANTIFICATION folder
16: Bugfix for mirna-species filtering (caused that not all miRNAs were quantified)
15: Subparagraph added for novel clustering (missing linebreak added)
14: stdout and stderr are now redirected to CUTADAPT log files
13: STAR indices are not created in groups anymore
12: Quantification is now also grouped
11: Preprocessing is done in a single group now
10: QC rules are combined into two groups, fastqc and multiqc
9: The alignment module has now only two groups, bowtie_alignment and star_alignment
8: All rules in the decontamination module are now grouped together
7: Bug in the concatenation file selection fixed
6: Concatenating figure displays now only integers on the y-axis
5: Changed input to a single samplesheet format allowing flexible file names
4: Moved graphs into subparagraphs for better report readability
3: tRNA quantification, clustering and PCA were added to the final report
2: Colours in the report are adjusted to new colouring scheme
1: tRNA reads are now sorted, indexed and the idxstats are calculated (effectively tRNAs are quantified now)

Pipeline release version 0.4

29 Aug 08:30
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First stable release version of this pipeline