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Make Sinkable AST derivable
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fizruk committed Oct 28, 2024
1 parent f91be40 commit 9d87155
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Showing 2 changed files with 78 additions and 29 deletions.
75 changes: 54 additions & 21 deletions haskell/free-foil/src/Control/Monad/Foil/Internal.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-missing-methods #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -44,7 +47,7 @@ import Data.IntMap
import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
import Data.IntSet
import qualified Data.IntSet as IntSet
import Data.Kind (Type)
import Data.Kind (Type, Constraint)
import Data.Bifunctor
import Generics.Kind
import Unsafe.Coerce
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -605,7 +608,7 @@ class Sinkable (e :: S -> Type) where
-> e l

default sinkabilityProof
:: (GenericK e, GSinkable (RepK e)) => (Name n -> Name l) -> e n -> e l
:: (GenericK e, GSinkable (RepK e), GSinkableReqs (RepK e) n l) => (Name n -> Name l) -> e n -> e l
sinkabilityProof rename = toK . gsinkabilityProof rename . fromK

-- | Sinking a 'Name' is as simple as applying the renaming.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -920,73 +923,103 @@ class InjectName (e :: S -> Type) where
-- * Generic 'Sinkable'

class GSinkable (f :: LoT (S -> Type) -> Type) where
gsinkabilityProof :: (Name n -> Name l) -> f (n :&&: LoT0) -> f (l :&&: LoT0)
type GSinkableReqs f (n :: S) (l :: S) :: Constraint
gsinkabilityProof :: GSinkableReqs f n l => (Name n -> Name l) -> f (n :&&: LoT0) -> f (l :&&: LoT0)

instance GSinkable V1 where
type GSinkableReqs V1 n l = ()
gsinkabilityProof _f _v1 = error "absurd: Generics.Kind.V1"

instance GSinkable U1 where
type GSinkableReqs U1 n l = ()
gsinkabilityProof _f U1 = U1

instance (GSinkable f, GSinkable g) => GSinkable (f :+: g) where
type GSinkableReqs (f :+: g) n l = (GSinkableReqs f n l, GSinkableReqs g n l)
gsinkabilityProof f (L1 x) = L1 (gsinkabilityProof f x)
gsinkabilityProof f (R1 y) = R1 (gsinkabilityProof f y)

instance (GSinkable f, GSinkable g) => GSinkable (f :*: g) where
type GSinkableReqs (f :*: g) n l = (GSinkableReqs f n l, GSinkableReqs g n l)
gsinkabilityProof f (x :*: y) =
gsinkabilityProof f x :*: gsinkabilityProof f y

instance GSinkable f => GSinkable (M1 i c f) where
type GSinkableReqs (M1 i c f) n l = GSinkableReqs f n l
gsinkabilityProof f (M1 m) = M1 (gsinkabilityProof f m)

instance GSinkableField f => GSinkable (Field f) where
type GSinkableReqs (Field f) n l = GSinkableFieldReqs f n l
gsinkabilityProof = gsinkabilityProofField

instance TypeError
type GSinkableConstrainedTypeError c f =
('Text "Generic Sinkable is not supported for constrainted data constructors"
:$$: 'Text " when attempting to use a generic instance for"
:$$: 'ShowType (c :=>: f)) => GSinkable (c :=>: f) where
:$$: 'ShowType (c :=>: f))
instance GSinkableConstrainedTypeError c f => GSinkable (c :=>: f) where
type GSinkableReqs (c :=>: f) n l = GSinkableConstrainedTypeError c f
gsinkabilityProof = undefined

instance TypeError
type GSinkableExistsTypeError k f =
('Text "Generic Sinkable is not supported for existential data constructors"
:$$: 'Text " when attempting to use a generic instance for"
:$$: 'ShowType (Exists k f)) => GSinkable (Exists k f) where
:$$: 'ShowType (Exists k f))
instance GSinkableExistsTypeError k f => GSinkable (Exists k f) where
type GSinkableReqs (Exists k f) n l = GSinkableExistsTypeError k f
gsinkabilityProof = undefined

class GSinkableField f where
gsinkabilityProofField :: (Name n -> Name l) -> Field f (n :&&: LoT0) -> Field f (l :&&: LoT0)
type GSinkableFieldReqs f (n :: S) (l :: S) :: Constraint
gsinkabilityProofField :: GSinkableFieldReqs f n l => (Name n -> Name l) -> Field f (n :&&: LoT0) -> Field f (l :&&: LoT0)

instance Sinkable f => GSinkableField (Kon f :@: Var0) where
instance GSinkableField (f :@: Var0) where
type GSinkableFieldReqs (f :@: Var0) n l = (Sinkable (Interpret f (n :&&: LoT0)), Interpret f (n :&&: LoT0) ~ Interpret f (l :&&: LoT0))
gsinkabilityProofField f (Field x) = Field (sinkabilityProof f x)

instance (Functor f, GSinkableField x) => GSinkableField (Kon f :@: x) where
type GSinkableFieldReqs (Kon f :@: x) n l = GSinkableFieldReqs x n l
gsinkabilityProofField f (Field x) = Field (fmap (unField . gsinkabilityProofField @x f . Field) x)

instance (Bifunctor f, GSinkableField x, GSinkableField y) => GSinkableField (Kon f :@: x :@: y) where
gsinkabilityProofField f (Field x) = Field
(bimap (unField . gsinkabilityProofField @x f . Field) (unField . gsinkabilityProofField @y f . Field) x)

instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} TypeError
instance (GSinkableField x, GSinkableField y) => GSinkableField (f :@: x :@: y) where
type GSinkableFieldReqs (f :@: x :@: y) n l =
( Bifunctor (Interpret f (n :&&: LoT0))
, Interpret f (n :&&: LoT0) ~ Interpret f (l :&&: LoT0)
, GSinkableFieldReqs x n l
, GSinkableFieldReqs y n l)
gsinkabilityProofField f (Field x) = Field (bimap
(unField . gsinkabilityProofField @x f . Field)
(unField . gsinkabilityProofField @y f . Field)

type GSinkableFieldApTypeError f x = TypeError
('Text "Generic Sinkable is not supported for fields of shape (f :@: x) in general"
:$$: 'Text " when attempting to use a generic instance for"
:$$: 'ShowType (f :@: x)) => GSinkableField (f :@: x) where
:$$: 'ShowType (f :@: x))
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} GSinkableFieldApTypeError f x => GSinkableField (f :@: x) where
gsinkabilityProofField = undefined

instance TypeError
type GSinkableFieldForAllTypeError f = TypeError
('Text "Generic Sinkable is not supported for fields of shape (ForAll f) in general"
:$$: 'Text " when attempting to use a generic instance for"
:$$: 'ShowType (ForAll f)) => GSinkableField (ForAll f) where
:$$: 'ShowType (ForAll f))
instance GSinkableFieldForAllTypeError f => GSinkableField (ForAll f) where
type GSinkableFieldReqs (ForAll f) n l = GSinkableFieldForAllTypeError f
gsinkabilityProofField = undefined

instance TypeError
type GSinkableFieldConstrainedTypeError c f = TypeError
('Text "Generic Sinkable is not supported for fields of shape (c :=>>: f) in general"
:$$: 'Text " when attempting to use a generic instance for"
:$$: 'ShowType (c :=>>: f)) => GSinkableField (c :=>>: f) where
:$$: 'ShowType (c :=>>: f))
instance GSinkableFieldConstrainedTypeError c f => GSinkableField (c :=>>: f) where
type GSinkableFieldReqs (c :=>>: f) n l = GSinkableFieldConstrainedTypeError c f
gsinkabilityProofField = undefined

instance TypeError
type GSinkableFieldEvalTypeError e = TypeError
('Text "Generic Sinkable is not supported for fields of shape (Eval e) in general"
:$$: 'Text " when attempting to use a generic instance for"
:$$: 'ShowType (Eval e)) => GSinkableField (Eval e) where
:$$: 'ShowType (Eval e))
instance GSinkableFieldEvalTypeError e => GSinkableField (Eval e) where
type GSinkableFieldReqs (Eval e) n l = GSinkableFieldEvalTypeError e
gsinkabilityProofField = undefined
32 changes: 24 additions & 8 deletions haskell/free-foil/src/Control/Monad/Free/Foil.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -26,6 +28,8 @@ import Data.Bifoldable
import Data.Bitraversable
import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.ZipMatchK
import qualified Generics.Kind as Kind
import Generics.Kind (GenericK(..), Field, Exists, Var0, Var1, (:$:), Atom((:@:), Kon), (:+:), (:*:))
import Data.Coerce (coerce)
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
Expand All @@ -51,14 +55,26 @@ deriving instance Generic (AST binder sig n)
deriving instance (forall x y. NFData (binder x y), forall scope term. (NFData scope, NFData term) => NFData (sig scope term))
=> NFData (AST binder sig n)

instance (Bifunctor sig, Foil.CoSinkable binder) => Foil.Sinkable (AST binder sig) where
sinkabilityProof rename = \case
Var name -> Var (rename name)
Node node -> Node (bimap f (Foil.sinkabilityProof rename) node)
f (ScopedAST binder body) =
Foil.extendRenaming rename binder $ \rename' binder' ->
ScopedAST binder' (Foil.sinkabilityProof rename' body)
instance GenericK (ScopedAST binder sig) where
type RepK (ScopedAST binder sig) =
Exists Foil.S
(Field (Kon binder :@: Var1 :@: Var0) :*: Field (Kon AST :@: Kon binder :@: Kon sig :@: Var0))
toK (Kind.Exists (Kind.Field binder Kind.:*: Kind.Field ast)) = ScopedAST binder ast
fromK (ScopedAST binder ast) = Kind.Exists (Kind.Field binder Kind.:*: Kind.Field ast)

instance GenericK (AST binder sig) where
type RepK (AST binder sig) =
Field (Foil.Name :$: Var0)
:+: Field (sig
:$: (Kon ScopedAST :@: Kon binder :@: Kon sig :@: Var0)
:@: (Kon AST :@: Kon binder :@: Kon sig :@: Var0))

instance (Bifunctor sig, Foil.CoSinkable binder) => Foil.Sinkable (ScopedAST binder sig) where
sinkabilityProof rename (ScopedAST binder body) =
Foil.extendRenaming rename binder $ \rename' binder' ->
ScopedAST binder' (Foil.sinkabilityProof rename' body)

instance (Bifunctor sig, Foil.CoSinkable binder) => Foil.Sinkable (AST binder sig)

instance Foil.InjectName (AST binder sig) where
injectName = Var
Expand Down

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