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Random Slugs

random-slugs is a user-friendly Python package that generates those random word slugs. This package is customizable and allows users to specify the parts of speech, categories of words, and the reproducibility.


  • Generate slugs with a specified number of words
  • Customize the parts of speech and categories of words used
  • Choose the format of the slug (kebab-case, snake_case or camelCase)
  • Set a random seed for reproducibility
  • Handle errors gracefully with custom exceptions


You can install random-slugs using pip:

pip install random-slugs


Here is a basic example of how to use the package:

from random_slugs import generate_slug

slug = generate_slug()
print(slug) # E.g. 'quick-brown-fox'

Customize the Slug

You can customize the slug generation by passing an options dictionary to the generate_slug function:

options = {
    "parts_of_speech": ["adjectives", "nouns"],
    "categories": {"adjectives": ["color"], "nouns": ["animal"]},
    "format": "snake",
    "seed": 42

slug = generate_slug(num_of_words=2, options=options)
print(slug)  # E.g. : 'brown_fox'



generate_slug(num_of_words: int = 3, options: Options = None) -> str

Generates a random slug.


  • num_of_words (int): The number of words to include in the slug. Defaults to 3.
  • options (Options): A dictionary of options to customize the slug generation.


  • parts_of_speech (List[str]): List of parts of speech to use. Must be one of: adjectives, nouns.

  • categories (Dict): A dictionary mapping parts of speech to categories of words. E.g. {"adjectives": ["color"], "nouns": ["animal"]}.

    • Adjective Categories:
      • color
      • condition
      • emotion
      • size
      • quantity
    • Noun Categories:
      • animal
      • color
      • pokemon
      • profession
      • technology
      • thing
      • transport
  • format (str): The format of the slug. Must be one of: kebab, snake, camel. Defaults to kebab.

  • seed (int): The random seed value to use for reproducibility.


  • str: The generated slug.

Total Unique Slugs

The total number of unique slugs that can be generated is calculated as follows:

from random_slugs import get_total_unique_slugs

total = get_total_unique_slugs()
print(total)  # 6254859


  • RandomSlugsError: Base class for all exceptions in the package.
  • RandomSlugConfigError: Exception for configuration errors.


Here is a complete example that includes custom options and error handling:

from random_slugs import generate_slug, RandomSlugConfigError

options = {
    "parts_of_speech": ["adjectives", "nouns"],
    "categories": {"adjectives": ["size"], "nouns": ["animal"]},
    "format": "camel",
    "seed": "example_seed"

    slug = generate_slug(num_of_words=2, options=options)
    print(slug)  # E.g. "bigCat"
except RandomSlugConfigError as e:
    print(f"Configuration error: {e}")
except RandomSlugsError as e:
    print(f"Slug generation error: {e}")


You can run the test suite using the following command:

pytest tests


Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.